首页 > 解决方案 > asp net临时文件,ResX文件夹,为什么没有创建?


some time ago I posted this thing: .resx file not found. Programming error or something else? ASP.NET

When the problem happened again, through a file manager I opened the .resx files inside the App_LocalResources folder, the files were accessible, for reading and writing. But then why do I get the error "The resource class for this page was not found. Please check if the resource file exists and try again."?

Well, at this point I got interested in the asp.net temp files folder I have seen that on my local computer the resources after compilation are placed in there, in binary files with the extension .resources

So I wanted to compare this folder with the one that is created on the server. I logged into Plesk and looked at what was in the asp.net temp files folder


没有 ResX 文件夹。

从我读到的文档中,这些应该连接到卫星 dll “.resource.dll”

但如果它们不存在,我的网站如何工作? 感谢任何能够为我提供更多细节的人

标签: asp.netresxtemporary-files

