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  <title>Vegan and Raw Vegan Books for Sale</title>
  <meta content="Choose poetry ebooks praising the benefits of veganism and vegetarian cuisine" name="description" />
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  <div class="logo"><img alt="black female entrepreneurs 2018 on soapbox" height="345" src="IMG_8292.JPG" width="240" /></div>
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    <h1>Choose Vegan Books</h1>Veganism kicks butt! Veganism kicks arse! Veganism kicks ass! These vegan poetry books call you to find fulfillment through veganism.
    <h2>Hurray for Raw Foods and Raw Veganism: 40 Poems</h2>When you combine two great things, veganism and the raw food diet, you create something even greater yet: raw veganism. Raw veganism can take the world by storm. Other books focus on explaining raw
    veganism and providing raw vegan recipes; this book focuses on celebrating raw veganism through poetry.
    <p></p>42 pages; 40 poems.
  <div class="cta"><img alt="vegan lifestyle book" height="230" src="Raw Veganism 1600 x 2300.jpg" width="160" />
    <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/mbpTD">Choose Hurray for Raw Foods and Raw Veganism: 40 Poems</a>
  <div class="text">
    <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to Praise the Vegan Way</h2>Some consider veganism tough; I consider it doable; Some consider veganism unsound; I consider it justified; Some consider veganism foolish; I consider it wise; And you will feel the same; After reading
    this poetry chapbook.
    <p></p>Do you want to go vegan yet need some encouragement? Have you already gone vegan and want to celebrate veganism? In either case, this book will give you what you need.
    <p></p>26 pages; 25 poems.
  <div class="cta"> <img alt="veganism pros" height="230" src="Vegan 1600 x 2300.jpg" width="160" />
    <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/chCeB">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to Praise the Vegan Way</a></div>
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    <p></p>&copy2017-2021 Free Press Media Press Inc.



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  <title>Best Labor Unions Books for Sale</title>
  <meta content="Chose the best labor unions books promoting unions in texas and discussing labor unions pros and cons" name="description">
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  <div class="logo"><img alt="black woman activist" height="345" src="IMG_8292.JPG" width="240" /></div>
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    <h1>Choose Union Books</h1>Andrew Bushard's efforts to unionize Accenture has been inspiring people. Andrew Bushard filed a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) unfair labor charge against his employer Accenture for violating his unionization rights.
    The NLRB agent "found merit" in his charge, so the NLRB prosecuted Accenture. Accenture capitulated and agreed to a settlement, so Andrew won the case. Victory! Andrew Bushard's unionizing success can empower you when you unionize and pursue other
    leadership endeavors.
    <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</h2>Accenture doesn't pay its call center workers enough, so unions should intervene. This work discusses the problems of Accenture type leadership as well as advocates for the political
    and philosophical need for the unionization solution.
    36 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
  <div class="cta"><img alt="black female revolutionaries on cover" height="230" src="labor%20unions%20today.jpg" width="160" />
    <p></p> <a href="https://gum.co/gKukG">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</a></div>
  <div class="text">
    <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</h2>Since you enjoyed my book <i>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</i>, you will enjoy this one as well. Since writing the first book, lots of things
    have happened and I have developed new insights, so read this book to learn more.
    28 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
  <div class="cta"><img alt="radical union book" height="230" src="unions%20labor.jpg" width="160" />
    <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/KrWFn">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</a></div>
  <div class="text">
    <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to #UnionizeAccenture and #UnionizeEverywhere</h2>Despite opposition and obstacles, Andrew Bushard has continued to answer his calling to unionize the company of Accenture. Since the publication of his books <em>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</em>    and <em>Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</em>, he has continued resisting management and he has experienced a paradigm shift realizing all unions are not the same. This work describes his encounters with bad and
    harmful unions, repressive and arrogant management, apathetic and hostile coworkers, and helpful and encouraging Syndicalists.
    32 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
  <div class="cta"><img alt="Unions in America" height="230" src="unfair%20labor%20practices%20examples.jpg" width="160" />
    <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/VNsIOZ">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to #UnionizeAccenture and #UnionizeEverywhere</a></div>
  <div class="copyright">
    <p></p>&copy2017-2021 Free Press Media Press Inc.



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你所经历的被称为“崩溃的边距”。示例:如果h2在 div 内有一个作为第一个子元素,并且 div 没有边距,则顶部的上边距h2将在顶部“超出 div” - h1、h2 等标签实际上在所有标签中都有默认边距浏览器(这是浏览器设置)。为了防止这种情况,您可以将相应元素的所有边距定义为零,就像我在下面所做的那样

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但是当然这也会影响所有其他的 h1 和 h2 标签,所以你可能想要使用一个类,或者使用一个选择器,比如div > h1, div > h2 { margin: 0; }

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<div class="logo"><img alt="black woman activist" height="345" src="IMG_8292.JPG" width="240" /></div>
<div class="text">
  <h1>Choose Union Books</h1>Andrew Bushard's efforts to unionize Accenture has been inspiring people. Andrew Bushard filed a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) unfair labor charge against his employer Accenture for violating his unionization rights. The
  NLRB agent "found merit" in his charge, so the NLRB prosecuted Accenture. Accenture capitulated and agreed to a settlement, so Andrew won the case. Victory! Andrew Bushard's unionizing success can empower you when you unionize and pursue other leadership
  <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</h2>Accenture doesn't pay its call center workers enough, so unions should intervene. This work discusses the problems of Accenture type leadership as well as advocates for the political
  and philosophical need for the unionization solution.
  36 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
<div class="cta"><img alt="black female revolutionaries on cover" height="230" src="labor%20unions%20today.jpg" width="160" />
  <p></p> <a href="https://gum.co/gKukG">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</a></div>
<div class="text">
  <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</h2>Since you enjoyed my book <i>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</i>, you will enjoy this one as well. Since writing the first book, lots of things
  have happened and I have developed new insights, so read this book to learn more.
  28 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
<div class="cta"><img alt="radical union book" height="230" src="unions%20labor.jpg" width="160" />
  <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/KrWFn">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</a></div>
<div class="text">
  <h2>Let's Use Free Speech to #UnionizeAccenture and #UnionizeEverywhere</h2>Despite opposition and obstacles, Andrew Bushard has continued to answer his calling to unionize the company of Accenture. Since the publication of his books <em>Let's Use Free Speech to Unionize Accenture and Other Companies</em>  and <em>Let's Use Free Speech to Promote Unions at Accenture and Other Places</em>, he has continued resisting management and he has experienced a paradigm shift realizing all unions are not the same. This work describes his encounters with bad and
  harmful unions, repressive and arrogant management, apathetic and hostile coworkers, and helpful and encouraging Syndicalists.
  32 pages. Cover illustration by rifatnaim.</div>
<div class="cta"><img alt="Unions in America" height="230" src="unfair%20labor%20practices%20examples.jpg" width="160" />
  <p></p><a href="https://gum.co/VNsIOZ">Choose Let's Use Free Speech to #UnionizeAccenture and #UnionizeEverywhere</a></div>
<div class="copyright">
  <p></p>&copy2017-2021 Free Press Media Press Inc.
