首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我不遵循异常处理程序中的寄存器保存约定?


在我之前的问题中,我在程序集中发布了这段代码(x86-64 att),它替换了无效操作码的处理程序(或者如果what_to_do函数返回 0,则可以调用前一个):

.globl my_ili_handler

.align 4, 0x90


    movq (%rsp), %r8 # loading %rip from stack
    movb (%r8), %dil # reading first byte in the invalid opcode
    cmpb $0x0F, %dil
    jne function_call
    movb 1(%r8), %dil # else read the 2nd byte instead
    addq $1, %r8
    addq $1, %r8
    pushq %rbp # save old %rbp
    movq %rsp, %rbp # move %rbp to top
    # %rax, %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9, %r10, %r11 caller saved.
    subq $8, %rsp
    pushq %r8 # backup %r8
    call what_to_do # unsigned int what_to_do(unsigned char magic)
    popq %r8 # restore %r8
    leave # push return address and jump
    cmpl $0, %eax
    je old_handler
    mov %eax, %edi # zero the upper part of %rdi
    addq $8, %rsp # pop old %rip from stack
    pushq %r8
    jmp end

    jmp *old_ili_handler(%rip)

    iretq # go back to user space

你们中的许多人指出我没有遵循有关保存 r8 和 rdx 的指南,但我就是不明白为什么会这样?


  1. 这些寄存器是调用者保存的,我在调用funciton_call并再次加载它们之前保存它们,那有什么问题?

  2. 在调用不是函数调用的 jmp 之前,我不需要保存它们......



.globl my_ili_handler

.align 4, 0x90


    movq (%rsp), %r8 # loading %rip from stack
    movb (%r8), %dil # reading first byte in the invalid opcode
    cmpb $0x0F, %dil
    jne function_call
    movb 1(%r8), %dil # else read the 2nd byte instead
    addq $1, %r8
    addq $1, %r8
    pushq %rbp # save old %rbp
    movq %rsp, %rbp # move %rbp to top
    # %rax, %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9, %r10, %r11 caller saved.
    subq $72, %rsp
    # backup all caller-saved registers
    pushq %rax
    pushq %rdi
    pushq %rsi
    pushq %rdx
    pushq %rcx
    pushq %r8
    pushq %r9
    pushq %r10
    pushq %r11
    call what_to_do # unsigned int what_to_do(unsigned char magic)
    # restore all caller-saved registers
    popq %r11
    popq %r10
    popq %r9
    popq %r8
    popq %rcx
    popq %rdx
    popq %rsi
    popq %rdi
    popq %rax
    leave # (mov %rbp, %rsp) & (pop %rbp) 
    cmpl $0, %eax
    je old_handler
    mov %eax, %edi # zero the upper part of %rdi
    addq $8, %rsp # pop old %rip from stack
    pushq %r8
    jmp end

    jmp *old_ili_handler(%rip)

    iretq # go back to user space

标签: assemblyx86-64cpu-registersinterrupt-handling


您的中断处理程序不是函数。寄存器的整个传入状态(除了 RSP 和 RFLAGS)属于用户空间。

jmp *old_ili_handler(%rip)最终会在故障发生时记录用户空间的状态,因此您要避免扭曲信号处理程序或核心转储看到的用户空间状态。

您可以查看所有寄存器都是旧处理程序尾部调用的“参数”。 (它也是一个中断处理程序,而不是一个函数,因此您jmp可以使用堆栈/寄存器来处理它,该状态与您的处理程序进入时的状态相匹配,因此它的工作方式就好像它是直接从用户空间中的故障中调用的一样。)

请注意与类似函数的相似性int foo(int x){return bar(x);},它将编译为jmp bar而不是call bar/ ret。即一个优化的尾调用,它只将 args 留在寄存器中。但同样,对于可以返回、传递信号或触发核心转储的异常处理程序,所有寄存器中的整个用户空间状态实际上是一个参数。

一般来说,对于其他错误,例如页面错误,可以在修复问题后恢复用户空间,更重要的是不要破坏寄存器:而不是仅仅将错误信息输入核心转储(或破坏模拟丢失指令的偶尔程序通过 SIGILL 处理程序),add (%r8), %edi如果最终返回用户空间具有不同的寄存器值,您将中断代码。实际上,您的代码现在有时会跳转到,iret因此您会直接返回用户空间以重试错误指令,也许是在修复它之后,所以您确实遇到了这个问题。

请注意,您实际上应该保存/恢复您周围的所有调用破坏寄存器call what_to_do,因为它是一个遵循 C 调用约定的函数。

例如,安全代码可能看起来像这样。(未经测试)。what_to_do将 RIP 传递给并让它返回新的 RIP 或0运行旧的处理程序可能更有意义。(作为奖励,您不需要在该函数调用中保存任何额外的状态,只需保存用户空间状态。)

x86 指令在操作码之后的字节数可变,具体取决于寻址模式和立即数,因此仅将用户空间 RIP 增加 1 或 2 是没有意义的。或者如果第一个字节实际上是前缀,例如reprex...

您可以拥有超过 2 个字节的非法指令,例如lea使用寄存器源编码的指令(REX + opcode + modrm)。或 a 66 66 0F 0B(UD2 前面的 2 个前缀)。因此,当它仅查看 1 个字节时,可能会混淆您的函数。


.globl my_ili_handler
.p2align 4
    push   %rbx    # save a call-preserved reg for our own use

    # %rax, %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8, %r9, %r10, %r11 are call-clobbered
    push   %rax
    push   %rcx
    push   %rdx
    push   %rsi
    push   %rdi
    push   %r8
    push   %r9
    push   %r10
    push   %r11

    mov   10*8(%rsp), %rbx   # loading user-space fault address from exception frame
                          # note the n*8(%rsp) since this is after n pushes; same address as (%rsp) on entry.

    movzbl (%rbx), %edi   # byte load of the invalid opcode
    inc    %rbx
    cmp    $0x0F, %edi    # check for 2-byte opcode escape byte
    jne function_call
    inc    %rbx
    movzbl (%rbx), %edi   # else read the 2nd byte instead
   # RBX points to fault-address + 1 or 2 depending on seeing 0F.
   # Very primitive instruction-length decoding that ignores prefixes
   # and illegal forms of longer instructions with ModRM and/or immediate operands

    # subq $8, %rsp        # 16-byte stack alignment probably not needed in kernel, and I didn't check what the initial alignment was on entry vs. the number of pushes
    cld                    # C calling convention requires DF=0, user-space might have left DF=1
       # 64-bit mode can I think avoid worrying about DS and ES settings
    call what_to_do        # unsigned int what_to_do(unsigned char magic)
    cmpl $0, %eax
# now restore everything, before we either 
# run the old handler transparently  or  return to user-space with its regs unchanged

    pop   %r11
    pop   %r10
    pop   %r9
    pop   %r8

    pop   %rdi
    pop   %rsi
    pop   %rdx
    pop   %rcx
    pop   %rax

    je  run_old_handler
    # mov %eax, %edi        # zero the upper part of %rdi.
         #  IDK what this was for.  Is user-space supposed to get this return value?
         # If so, only restore RAX in the other path instead of before the branch
         # and   add $8, %rsp   here instead.

    mov   %rbx, 8(%rsp)     # set the user-space RIP
    pop   %rbx              # restore our call-preserved register
    iretq                   # and return to user-space at the updated RIP
    pop   %rbx             # just restore RBX
    jmp *old_ili_handler(%rip)   # and run the old handler with all registers in identical state to entry to this handler.
