首页 > 解决方案 > Julia 的表现优于 MATLAB?


我一直在尝试优化一些以二维数组形式获取输入信号并将其与某个 FWHM 的高斯卷积的代码。这个 2D 信号数组的大小是 (671, 2001),我沿着第二个轴 - 时间轴进行卷积。在哪里,

time = 0:0.5:1000
nt = length(time)  # nt = 2001

我正在与 150 的 FWHM 高斯卷积,对应于大约 63.7 的标准偏差。然后我将初始信号填充 3 倍 FWHM,将原始开始索引之前的新值设置为 0,将原始结束索引之后的新值设置为最后一个时间点的信号。

因此,nt = 3801在填充之后。

我的 MATLAB 代码在 117.5043 秒内计算了这个卷积。这是通过每个轴上的嵌套 for 循环完成的 - 在 MATLAB 中应该很慢。MATLAB代码的主要位如下,

for it = 1:nt
    % scan convolution mask across time
    kernal  = preb*exp(-b*(tc-tc(it)).^2); % convolution mask - Gaussian
    N(it) = sum(kernal)*dt;                % normalise
    kernal = kernal/N(it); % ensure convolution integrates to 1

    % calculate convolution for each row
    for iq = 1:Nq
        WWc(iq,it) = dt*sum((WWc0(iq,1:nt).').*kernal(1:nt));

我已经在 J​​ulia 中重写了这个,除了使用循环矩阵来构造一个高斯内核,这个有效地随着时间的推移移除了 foor 循环,并且要在所有时间内应用的内核现在完全由一个矩阵定义。然后,我要么循环遍历行并将此内核乘以每一行的信号,要么使用该mapslices函数。Julia 中的主要代码如下,

K = Circulant(G.Fx) # construct circulant matrix of gaussian function G.Fx
conv = zeros(nr, nt) # init convolved signal

#for i=1:nr # If using a loop instead of mapslice
#    conv[i, :] = transpose(sC[i, :]) * K

conv = mapslices(x -> K*x, sC; dims=2)

在 Julia 中,这个卷积需要 368 秒(几乎是 MATLAB 的 3 倍慢),尽管使用循环矩阵来跳过一个 foo 循环并将其减少到为每行乘以两个大小为 (1, 3801) 和 (3801, 3801) 的数组.

@time 的输出:

368.047741 seconds (19.37 G allocations: 288.664 GiB, 14.30% gc time, 0.03% compilation time)

两者都在同一台计算机上运行,​​Julia 应该不会在这里胜过 MATLAB 吗?


再玩一下 Julia 代码,我已经根据循环重写了矩阵乘法,但它仍然很慢。尽管根据输入标志调用两种外部构造函数类型 - 高斯或洛伦兹,但卷积在函数内执行。我还为循环构造函数加载 SpecialMatrices.jl。我是 Julia 的新手,不确定这是否会使其变慢。当在函数的独立位上使用 @time 宏时,很明显每个部分都非常快,直到它到达最后实际计算卷积的循环。无论我这样做,这个循环都非常慢,无论是在循环内核上使用矩阵乘法,结合sum()函数的双嵌套循环,还是本身进行求和的三重嵌套循环。

using MAT
using SpecialMatrices

wd = " "

inputfile = matopen(wd*"/Signal.mat")
signal = read(inputfile, "pdW")

inputfile = matopen(wd*"/Vectors.mat")
qAng = read(inputfile, "qAng")
tvec = read(inputfile, "tt")

struct Gaussian
    Fx:: AbstractVector{Float64}
    sigma:: Float64
    height:: Float64
    fwhm:: Float64
    function Gaussian(fwhm:: Float64, x:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, x0:: Float64)
        sigma = fwhm/2sqrt(2log(2))
        height = 1/sigma*sqrt(2pi)
        Fx = height .* exp.( (-1 .* (x .- x0).^2)./ (2*sigma^2))
        new(Fx, sigma, height, fwhm)

struct Lorentzian
    Fx:: AbstractVector{Float64}
    gamma:: Float64
    fwhm:: Float64
    function Lorentzian(fwhm:: Float64, x:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, x0:: Float64)
        gamma = fwhm/2
        Fx = 1 ./ ((pi * gamma) .* (1 .+ ((x .- x0)./ gamma).^2 ))
        new(Fx, gamma, fwhm)

function convolve(S:: Array{Float64}, fwhm:: Float64, time:: Array{Float64}, type:: Int)

    nr:: Int64, nc:: Int64 = size(S)
    nt:: Int64 = length(time)
    dt:: Float64 = sum(diff(time, dims=2))/(length(time)-1)
    duration:: Float64 = fwhm*3 # must pad three time FHWM to deal with edges

    if dt != diff(time, dims=2)[1] ; error("Non-linear time range."); end
    if nr != nt && nc != nt; error("Inconsistent dimensions."); end
    if nc != nt; S = transpose(S); nr, nc = nc, nr; end # column always time axis

    tmin:: Float64 = minimum(time); tmax:: Float64 = maximum(time)
    tconv_min:: Float64 = tmin - duration ; tconv_max:: Float64 = tmax + duration
    tconv = tconv_min:dt:tconv_max # extended convoluted time vector
    ntc:: Int64 = length(tconv)
    padend:: Int64 = (duration/dt) # index at which 0 padding ends and signal starts
    padstart:: Int64 = (padend + tmax / dt) # index where signal ends and padding starts

    type == 0 ? Kv = Gaussian(fwhm, tconv, tconv[1]) : Kv = Lorentzian(fwhm, tconv, tconv[1])
    println("Convolving signal with a $(typeof(Kv)) function with FWHM: $(Kv.fwhm) fs.")

    K:: Array{Float64} = Circulant(Kv.Fx) # construct kernel from circ matrix
    sC = zeros(Float64, nr, ntc)
    sC[1:nr, 1:padend] .= S[1:nr, 1] # extended and pad signal
    sC[1:nr, padend:padstart] .= S
    sC[1:nr, padstart:end] .= S[1:nr, end]

            Signal padded by 3*FWHM ( $(duration) fs ) forwards and backwards.
            Original time length: $(nt), Extended time: $(ntc), Diff: $(ntc-nt) steps.
            Padded signal size: $(size(sC)).
            Kernel size: $(size(K[1, :])).
    conv = zeros(Float64, nr, ntc)
    for t in 1:ntc
        for q in 1:nr
            #conv[q, t] = sum(sC[q, 1:ntc] .* K[t, :])*dt
            conv[q, t] = 0.0
            for j in 1:ntc
                conv[q, t] += sC[q, j] * K[t, j] * dt

    return conv, tconv

fwhm = 100.0
conv, tconv = convolve(signal, fwhm, tvec, 0)

更新 2:工作快速代码,用于卷积随机信号的 wa 包装器。

using LinearAlgebra
using SpecialMatrices

function wrapper()
    signal = rand(670, 2001)
    tvec = 0:0.5:1000
    fwhm = 150.0
    Flag = 0
    conv = convolve(signal, tvec, fwhm, Flag)

function Gaussian(x:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, x0:: Float64, fwhm:: T) where {T<:Union{Float64, Int64}}
    sigma = fwhm/2sqrt(2log(2))
    height = 1/sigma*sqrt(2pi)
    Fx = height .* exp.( (-1 .* (x .- x0).^2)./ (2*sigma^2))
    Fx = Fx./sum(Fx)

function Lorentzian(x:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, x0:: Float64, fwhm:: T) where {T<:Union{Float64, Int64}}
    gamma = fwhm/2
    Fx = 1 ./ ((pi * gamma) .* (1 .+ ((x .- x0)./ gamma).^2 ))
    Fx = Fx./sum(Fx)

function generate_kernel(tconv:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, fwhm:: Float64, centre:: Float64, ctype:: Int64)
    if ctype == 0
        K = Gaussian(tconv, centre, fwhm)
    elseif cytpe == 1
        K = Lorentzian(tconv, centre, fwhm)
        error("Only Gaussian and Lorentzian functions currently available.")
    K = Matrix(Circulant(K))
    return K

function convolve(S:: Matrix{Float64}, time:: StepRangeLen{Float64}, fwhm:: Float64, ctype:: Int64)
    nr:: Int64, nc:: Int64 = size(S)
    dt:: Float64 = sum(diff(time, dims=1))/(length(time)-1)
    nt:: Int64 = length(time)
    duration:: Float64 = fwhm*3 # must pad three time FHWM to deal with edges
    tmin:: Float64 = minimum(time); tmax:: Float64 = maximum(time)
    if dt != diff(time, dims=1)[1] ; error("Non-linear time range."); end
    if nr != nt && nc != nt; error("Inconsistent dimensions."); end
    if nc != nt; S = copy(transpose(S)); nr, nc = nc, nr; end # column always time axis

    tconv_min:: Float64 = tmin - duration ; tconv_max:: Float64 = tmax + duration
    tconv = tconv_min:dt:tconv_max # extended convoluted time vector
    ntc = length(tconv)
    padend:: Int64 = (duration/dt) # index at which 0 padding ends and signal starts
    padstart:: Int64 = (padend + tmax / dt) # index where signal ends and padding starts

    K = generate_kernel(tconv, fwhm, tconv[padend], ctype)

    sC = zeros(Float64, nr, ntc)
    sC[1:nr, 1:padend] .= @view S[1:nr, 1] # extended and pad signal
    sC[1:nr, padend:padstart] .= S
    sC[1:nr, padstart:end] .= @view S[1:nr, end]

    conv = zeros(Float64, nr, ntc)
    conv = convolution_integral(sC, K, dt)

    S .= conv[:, 1:nt] # return convoluted signal w same original size

    return S

function convolution_integral(signal:: Matrix{Float64}, kernel:: Matrix{Float64}, dt:: Float64)
    conv = signal * kernel
    conv .*= dt
    return conv

使用 BenchMarktools:

julia> @btime wrapper();
  128.438 ms (11125 allocations: 300.24 MiB)


标签: matlabfor-loopmatrixjuliamatrix-multiplication

