首页 > 解决方案 > 查找具有给定数字和列表的边界


我遇到了这个问题。给定一个百分比 = [0.1,0.1,0.8] 和数字 = 9 的列表,找到与百分比列表相乘的所有可能列表(每个元素的边界为 0.25 到 10,增量 = 0.25),将这些数字相加并四舍五入1 位小数必须等于 number = 9。我使用蛮力算法在 itertools 产品的帮助下解决了这个问题。但是这种蛮力方法很慢。我正在尝试为我的'for循环'找到一个边界(范围内的上下边界(下边界,上边界,25)。你们能建议我找到它的方法吗?

    import itertools
    ranges = []
    n = int(input()) #number of element in percentage list

    percent = []
    for i in range(n):
        percent.append(float(input())) #input the percentage list
    total = float(input()) #the number mentioned above

    for i in range(n):
        ranges.append(range(25,1025,25)) #find boundary for this line

    for xs in itertools.product(*ranges):
        avg = 0
        for i in range(n):
            avg += xs[i]*percent[i]    
        if avg < (total*100+5) and avg >= (total*100-5):
            for each in xs:
                print(each/100, end = ' ')

标签: pythonalgorithm


用简洁的话来解释算法对我来说有点困难 TT


基本思想是这是以递归方式完成的(DFS,深度优先搜索)。该功能应该类似于recursion(percent_list, result_list, target).

  • 一开始应该是recursion([0.1, 0.1, 0.8], [], 9)
  • 如果我们尝试将第一个值设为 3.25,那么我们将目标值更新为 9 - 3.25*0.1 = 8.675。所以我们接下来打电话recursion([0.1, 0.8], [3.25], 8.675)
  • 然后,我们尝试将第二个值设为 4.00,然后将目标值更新为 8.675 - 4.0*0.1 = 8.275。所以打电话recursion([0.8], [3.25, 4.0], 8.275);
  • 最后,我们尝试第三个值,只有 9.75,10 是有效的,因为相加的值分别是 8.525 和 8.725,并且可以四舍五入到 9。所以我们将结果附加到结果列表中[3.25, 4.0, 9.75][3.25, 4.0, 10.0]
  • 之后,我们尝试将第二个值设为 0.25, ..., 3.75, 4.25, 4.5, ..., 10。
  • 尝试将第一个值设为 0.25, ..., 3.0, 3.5, 3.75, ..., 10。



import numpy as np

def recursion(percent_list, value_list, previous_results, target, tolerate_lower, tolerate_upper, result_list):
    #         change      , 0.25 ~ 10 , change,         , change, 0.5 = 9.5-9   , 0.4999 < 9-8.5, your answer
    # init:   [0.1,0.1,0.8]             []                9
    # if reach the target within tolerate
    if len(percent_list) == 0:
        # print(previous_results)
    # otherwise, cut impossible branches, check minimum and maximum value acceptable for current percent_list
    percent_sum = percent_list.sum()  # sum up current percent list, **O(n)**, should be optimized by pre-generating a sum list
    value_min = value_list[0]         # minimum value from data list (this problem 0.25)
    value_max = value_list[-1]        # maximum value from data list (this problem 10.0)
    search_min = (target - tolerate_lower - (percent_sum - percent_list[0]) * value_max) / percent_list[0]  # minimum value acceptable as result
    search_max = (target + tolerate_upper - (percent_sum - percent_list[0]) * value_min) / percent_list[0]  # maximum value acceptable as result
    idx_min = np.searchsorted(value_list, search_min, "left")   # index of minimum value (for data list)
    idx_max = np.searchsorted(value_list, search_max, "right")  # index of maximum value (for data list)
    # recursion step
    for i in range(idx_min, idx_max):
        # update result list
        current_results = previous_results + [value_list[i]]
        # remove the current state for variables `percent_list`, and update `target` for next step
        recursion(percent_list[1:], value_list, current_results, target - percent_list[0] * value_list[i], tolerate_lower, tolerate_upper, result_list)


result = []
recursion(np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.8]), np.arange(0.25, 10.25, 0.25), [], 9, 0.5, 0.49999, result)

总共有 4806 个可能的结果。验证结果总计约 9 个(但无法验证结果就足够了),

for l in result:
    if not (8.5 <= (np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.8]) * np.array(l)).sum() < 9.5):
        print("Wrong code!")

我认为最复杂的情​​况仍然是 O( m ^ n * n ),如果m指的是数据列表长度 (0.25, 0.5, ..., 10),而n指的是百分比列表长度 (0.1, 0.1, 0.8) . 应该进一步优化到 O( m ^ n * log( m )),避免每次递归求和百分比列表;而对于 O( m ^ n ),如果我们能充分利用数据列表的等差数列的性质。
