首页 > 解决方案 > 从 CMD 打开 .py 文件和直接从文件资源管理器打开它有什么区别?


我刚刚从 Eric Matthes 的《Python Crash Course: 2nd edition》一书中开始学习 Python。我正在使用 Windows。大多数时候,我通过在 Windows 文件资源管理器中双击它们来直接打开 .py 文件。

但是当我尝试以相同的方式运行以下程序时,我发现它在 while 循环停止时立即关闭了 cmd 窗口,即使它应该继续:

#7.10 Dream Vacation (Small exercise to test what I have learnt)

dream = {}    #empty dictionary to store user inputs.
while True: 
    name = input('Enter your name: ')    #the key input for dream dictionary
    place = input('Enter your dream vacation destination: ')    #value input
    dream[name] = place    #Adding the input key and value pair to dream{} dictionary.

    #if the user wants to stop entering new inputs and wants to see the output:
    repeat = input('Do you want another person to respond? (yes/no): ')
    if repeat == 'no':    #if the user enters 'no' then the while loops stops looping.

print("\nHere are the poll results:")
for name, place in dream.items():
    print(f"{name} wants to visit {place}.")

但是,当我从 CMD(通过使用 cd 命令)正确打开它的传统方式运行相同的代码时,代码完全按照预期运行。


标签: pythoncmdwhile-loop


