首页 > 解决方案 > css 不能在 ios 上运行


我正在制作一个带有 3d 字母的网页,但在 iphone 中对我来说似乎是错误的,有谁知道解决方案可能是什么?

我把代码留给你,你必须在三个文件中放入一个 Menu2.html 一个 estilos.css 一个 script.js 和一个 jquery.js

主要问题是,在 safari 中,前面部分带有按钮以及字母右侧下方的所有内容,所以我不知道我能做些什么让它看起来像上面

$('.btn-ver-menu').on('click', function(){
    }, 300)

$('.btn-cerrar').on('click', function(){
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.lista-tres h1,
.lista-cuatro h1,
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.lista-siete h1,
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.lista-seis img,
.lista-siete img,
.lista-ocho img{
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.lista-dos p,
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.lista-ocho p{
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/*Aplicando Efectos de movimientos*/

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/*Pagina derecha animacion*/

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    position: absolute;
    top: -20px;
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    .lista-dos h1,
    .lista-tres h1,
    .lista-cuatro h1,
    .lista-cinco h1,
    .lista-seis h1,
    .lista-siete h1,
    .lista-ocho h1{
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    .lista-tres img,
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    .lista-siete img,
    .lista-ocho img{
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        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red, blue, #23cbff);
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    .lista-siete h4,
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    .lista-siete h1,
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    .lista-dos img,
    .lista-tres img,
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    .lista-siete img,
    .lista-ocho img{
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    .lista-siete p,
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    .lista-dos hr,
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    .lista-cinco hr,
    .lista-seis hr,
    .lista-siete hr,
    .lista-ocho hr{
        width: 25px;
        height: 3px;
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        border-style: none;
        background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red, blue, #23cbff);
        margin-top: 2.5px;

    .lista-uno h4,
    .lista-dos h4,
    .lista-tres h4,
    .lista-cuatro h4,
    .lista-cinco h4,
    .lista-seis h4,
    .lista-siete h4,
    .lista-ocho h4{
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                <img src="./img/Logo1.png">
                <h3>Restaurante Club Tenis javea</h3>
                <button class="btn-ver-menu">Ver Menu</button>
                <p>Av. de la Fontana, 66</p>
                <p>Para reservas llamar al +34 965 79 19 11</p>
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                <div class="contenedor-lista">
                    <div class="lista-uno">
                        <h1>Ensalada Romana</h1>
                        <h4>Romana salad - Salade Romaine - Romana salat</h4>
                    <div class="lista-dos">
                        <h1>Ensalda de la casa</h1>
                        <h4>Home salad - Salade maison - Hausgemachter salat</h4>
                    <div class="lista-tres">
                        <h1>Ensalada Cantábria</h1>
                        <h4>Cantábrica salad - Salade cantábrica - Cantábrica salat</h4>
                    <div class="lista-cuatro">
                        <h1>Melón con jamón ibérico</h1>
                        <h4>Iberica ham with melon - Melon au jambon - Melone mit Iberischer Schinken</h4>
        <div class="pagina-central">
            <div class="contenedor-lista">
                    <div class="lista-uno">
                        <h1>Espárragos mimosa</h1>
                        <h4>Asparagus mimosa - Asperges mimosa - Spargeln mimosa</h4>
                    <div class="lista-dos">
                        <h1>Sopa del dia</h1>
                        <h4>Soup of the day</h4>
                    <div class="lista-tres">
                        <h1>Crepe de gamba</h1>
                        <h4>Shrimp crepe - Crêpe aux grevettes - Pfannkuchen mit krahben</h4>
                    <div class="lista-cuatro">
                        <h1>Berenjena rellena</h1>
                        <h4>Stuffed aubergine - Aubergine farcie - Obergine gefullt</h4>
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                    <div class="lista-uno">
                        <h1>Gazpacho Andaluz (Solo por temporada)</h1>
                        <h4>Gazpacho - Gazpacho andalou - Suppe anadakusse</h4>
                    <div class="lista-dos">
                        <h1>Verduras plancha</h1>
                        <h4>Grilled vegetables - Legumes a la planche - Gergrilld gemüse</h4>
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            <div class="btn-cerrar lado-pagina-derecha">X</div>

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