首页 > 解决方案 > 在 New Relic 代理上对 PostgreSQL 的慢查询


我最近在我的应用程序中实现了 New Relic 代理,并希望获得有关在我的应用程序中的某些 API 调用上执行的 SQL 查询的更多信息。

我遵循了一些教程并在 newrelic.js 文件中声明了属性 slow_sql : { enabled: true }。

但是我仍然没有看到在我的事务中收集到任何 SQL 指标。难道我做错了什么?

这是我的 newrelic.js 文件

'use strict'


 * New Relic agent configuration.


 * See lib/config/default.js in the agent distribution for a more complete

 * description of configuration variables and their potential values.


exports.config = {


   * Array of application names.


  app_name: ['Arbo API'],


   * Your New Relic license key.


  license_key: process.env.NR_KEY,


   * This setting controls distributed tracing.

   * Distributed tracing lets you see the path that a request takes through your

   * distributed system. Enabling distributed tracing changes the behavior of some

   * New Relic features, so carefully consult the transition guide before you enable

   * this feature: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/transition-guide-distributed-tracing

   * Default is false.


  distributed_tracing: {


     * Enables/disables distributed tracing.




    enabled: true


  slow_sql: { enabled: true },

  logging: {


     * Level at which to log. 'trace' is most useful to New Relic when diagnosing

     * issues with the agent, 'info' and higher will impose the least overhead on

     * production applications.


    level: 'info'



   * When true, all request headers except for those listed in attributes.exclude

   * will be captured for all traces, unless otherwise specified in a destination's

   * attributes include/exclude lists.


  allow_all_headers: true,

  attributes: {


     * Prefix of attributes to exclude from all destinations. Allows * as wildcard

     * at end.


     * NOTE: If excluding headers, they must be in camelCase form to be filtered.




    exclude: [














APM 代理语言:NodeJS

APM 代理版本:7.4.0

操作系统:Ubuntu 20.04


数据库:PostgreSQL 10

标签: node.jspostgresqlloopbacknewrelic

