首页 > 解决方案 > 从单独的 Python 文件调用方法时出错


我正在尝试用 Python 制作井字游戏,我在其中使用两个单独的文件。每个都有不同的代码和单独的类,我试图调用它们。但是,每次我尝试这样做时,都会收到此错误:

def __init__(self, letter): super().__init__(letter)
TypeError: object.__init__() takes exactly one argument (the instance to initialize)


from player import NormalPlayer, ComputerPlayer


if __name__ == "__main__":
    x_player = NormalPlayer("X")
    o_player = ComputerPlayer("O")
    ttt = TicTacToe()

        print_game = True)


# Recognise the player as an object, with a specific letter (X or O)
class Player:

    # Set the player's letter (noughts or crosses)
    def __init__(self, letter): self.letter = letter

    # Turn-based system
    def get_move(self, game): pass

# Use the inheritance of classes to create a computer player that uses the 'Player' class
class ComputerPlayer:

    # Set the computer's letter with teh super class
    def __init__(self, letter): super().__init__(letter)

    # Turn-based system, get a random move from all open possibilities
    def get_move(self, game):
        choice = random.choice(game.open_moves())
        return choice

# Use the inheritance of classes for the user object that uses the 'Player' class
class NormalPlayer:

    # Set the user's letter with the super class
    def __init__(self, letter): super().__init__(letter)

    # Turn-based system, get the player's movement choice
    def get_move(self, game):

        # Player's choice must first be verified
        verified = False

        # The spot value of the move the player wants to make
        value = None

        # Ask for the player's move
        while not verified:
            choice = input(self.letter + "\s turn. Which spot do you want to play? ")

            # Check if the player's choice is valid...

                # Turn the input into an integer
                value = int(choice)

                # If the spot value is not available, catch the error and tell the player
                if value not in game.open_moves():
                    raise ValueError

            # ...if it is, then announce it
            except ValueError:

                # If the choice was invalid, have the player decide their move again
                print("The spot value is not valid. Please choose another spot.")

        return value

标签: pythonfileclassimport


您没有指定从哪个类继承。要使用继承,您可以使用class ClassName(ClassToInheritFrom).


# Recognise the player as an object, with a specific letter (X or O)
class Player:

    # Set the player's letter (noughts or crosses)
    def __init__(self, letter): self.letter = letter

    # Turn-based system
    def get_move(self, game): pass

# Use the inheritance of classes to create a computer player that uses the 'Player' class
class ComputerPlayer(Player):

    # Set the computer's letter with teh super class
    def __init__(self, letter): super().__init__(letter)

    # Turn-based system, get a random move from all open possibilities
    def get_move(self, game):
        choice = random.choice(game.open_moves())
        return choice

# Use the inheritance of classes for the user object that uses the 'Player' class
class NormalPlayer(Player):

    # Set the user's letter with the super class
    def __init__(self, letter): super().__init__(letter)

    # Turn-based system, get the player's movement choice
    def get_move(self, game):

        # Player's choice must first be verified
        verified = False

        # The spot value of the move the player wants to make
        value = None

        # Ask for the player's move
        while not verified:
            choice = input(self.letter + "\s turn. Which spot do you want to play? ")

            # Check if the player's choice is valid...

                # Turn the input into an integer
                value = int(choice)

                # If the spot value is not available, catch the error and tell the player
                if value not in game.open_moves():
                    raise ValueError

            # ...if it is, then announce it
            except ValueError:

                # If the choice was invalid, have the player decide their move again
                print("The spot value is not valid. Please choose another spot.")

        return value
