首页 > 解决方案 > Plotly 下拉菜单执行功能


我正在尝试使用 plotly 下拉菜单来执行绘图功能。


下拉值应该是 list(option_dict.keys()),任何帮助将不胜感激!


def plot_generator(state, option_dict):    
deltas = new_delta_dict(option_dict)    # generate a fresh delta dict for the respective region

state_dict = deltas[state].copy()
state_dict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(state_dict.items()))
state_dfs = total_dfs(state_dict)     # get the count of total dataframes in dict (nested)

state_plots = {}
for dates in list(state_dict):
    for option_type in state_dict[dates]:
        plotname = str(dates[0]) + ' ' + str(dates[1]) + ' ' + option_type
        sub_df = state_dict[dates][option_type]
        ## Rename the tuples in the columns ##
        newcols = list(sub_df)[:-2]
        newcols = ['{}_{}'.format(x[0],x[1]) for x in newcols]
        keepcols = list(sub_df)[-2:]
        colnames = newcols + keepcols
        sub_df.columns = colnames
        # Generate the plot
        state_plots[plotname] = px.line(sub_df)
# Generate the figures
fig = make_subplots(rows = len(state_plots), cols=1, subplot_titles=list(state_plots))

for i, plotname in enumerate(list(state_plots)):
    for dat in state_plots[plotname].data:
        fig.add_trace((go.Scatter(x=dat['x'], y=dat['y'], name=dat['name'])), row=i+1, col=1)
        # Obtain vline from underlying_dict
        vline_date = (int(plotname[:4]), str(plotname[5:7]))
        if 'American' in plotname:
            vline_type = 'American'
        elif 'European' in plotname:
            vline_type = 'European'
        else: print('Option Type Error')
        # Obtain underlying and add to figure
        fig.add_vline(x=underlying_dict[state][vline_date][vline_type], line_width=2, line_dash="dash", row=i+1, col=1)

fig.update_layout(height=(state_dfs*100), width=800, title=("{} Option Payoff Diagrams".format(state)))
return fig

标签: pythonplotly

