首页 > 解决方案 > Django 上 Count 函数的不同行为


我有一个非常奇怪的情况,如果将 Count() 应用于通过 id 或其他过滤器过滤的模型,它的行为会有所不同。我有这些模型:
class Segment(models.Model):
    is_completed = models.BooleanField(default=False)

class Waypoint(models.Model):
    is_visited = models.BooleanField("is visited", default=False)
    segment = models.ForeignKey("Segment", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="waypoints", null=True, default=None)


to_visit_filter = Q(waypoints__is_visited=False)
seg = Segment.objects.filter(waypoints__in=wp, is_completed=False).annotate(
            wp_to_visit=Count('waypoints', filter=to_visit_filter))

print(seg.first().wp_to_visit)   // 1


to_visit_filter = Q(waypoints__is_visited=False)
segm_id = [w.segment.id for w in wp]
seg = Segment.objects.filter(id__in=segm_id, is_completed=False).annotate(
            wp_to_visit=Count('waypoints', filter=to_visit_filter))

print(seg.first().wp_to_visit)   // 2


标签: djangodjango-modelsdjango-querysetdjango-filter


In your first query you perform filtering on the waypoints (waypoints__in=wp) and hence have limited the waypoints to that one selected Waypoint. This filtering results in a LEFT OUTER JOIN with the Waypoint model and a WHERE clause. Next you perform aggregation and group by on waypoints by using Count on waypoints. This annotation would use the same join made by the previous call to filter and hence obviously your count has the result of 1.

Next in your second query instead of filtering on waypoints, you filter on the segments id itself, hence there is no filtering on the waypoints and your query gives you the count of 2.
