首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将一系列拖动点与一系列 CGPoint 路径匹配?





但是,我对第二部分有困难,即“他们画了每一条线吗?”。例如,使用“A”,他们可以只绘制一条像 / 这样的对角线,并且算法将输出正确的结果,因为距离计算很好,但它们缺少所有其他线。

我希望能够实现一些东西,看看一系列用户绘制的 CGPoint,然后是一个代表角色路径的 CGPoint 数组和

  1. 确认点的距离(完成)
  2. 确认他们画出了所有必要的线条

这是我现在遇到问题的第二部分,我想出的唯一一件事是生成一系列点,本质上是角色被炸毁,然后确保用户点与大量生成的点重叠. 但是,这非常缓慢,并且确实减慢了绘图/确认的速度。

func generateAllPointsOnStraightPath(points: [CGPoint]) -> [CGPoint] {
    // generates all points on straight path + adds border points
    // y = mx + b
    // linspace is min/max x-coordinates
    var allPointsOnStraightPath: [CGPoint] = []
    var prevPoint = points.first
    for point in points {
        let x1 = Int(prevPoint!.x)
        let y1 = Int(prevPoint!.y)
        let x2 = Int(point.x)
        let y2 = Int(point.y)

        // linspace
        let minX = min(x1, x2)
        let maxX = max(x1, x2)
        // y = mx + b, first solve for m
        if (x2 - x1) == 0 {
            // vertical line so just append same x and y increments
            if (y2 < y1) {
                // need to go up
                for y in stride(from: y1, to: y2 + 1, by: -1) {
                    allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1, y: y))
                    for i in 1...20 {
                        // this moves the line up
                        allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1 + i, y: y)) // add border point right
                        // this moves the line down
                        allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1 - i, y: y)) // add border point left
            } else {
                // line going down
                for y in stride(from: y1, to: y2 + 1, by: +1) {
                    // these are the straight line points
                    allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1, y: y))
                    for i in 1...20 {
                        // this moves the line up
                        allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1 + i, y: y)) // add border point right
                        // this moves the line down
                        allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x1 - i, y: y)) // add border point left
        } else {
            let m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
            // solve for b (y-intercept)
            // y = mx + b
            // y - mx = b
            // this will be a horizontal line e.g. m = 0, so b will just be y1
            // 0 * x = 0 + b where b = y1
            let b = y1 - m * x1
            for x in stride(from: minX, to: maxX + 1, by: +1) {
                allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x, y: (m * x + b)))
                for i in 1...20 {
                    allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x, y: ((m * x) + b) + i)) // add border point down
                    allPointsOnStraightPath.append(CGPoint(x: x, y: ((m * x) + b) - i)) // add border point up
        prevPoint = point
    return allPointsOnStraightPath


标签: iosswiftswiftui

