首页 > 解决方案 > 如何包装所有 BeautifulSoup 现有的查找/选择方法以添加其他逻辑和参数?


我有一个重复的健全性检查过程,我在大多数调用 BeautifulSoup 对象时都会经历:

  1. 进行函数调用(.find.find_all.select_one.select大多数情况下)
  2. 检查以确保找到元素
    • 如果找不到,我会提出一个 custom MissingHTMLTagError,在那里停止该过程。
  3. 尝试从元素中检索属性(使用.getgetattr
    • 如果没有找到,我提出一个习惯MissingHTMLAttributeError
  4. 返回一个:
    • 字符串,当它是单个元素的单个属性时 ( .findand .select_one)
    • .find_all字符串列表,当它是多个元素(和.select)的单个属性时
    • .find_alldict,当它是多个元素(和.select)的两个属性(键/值对)时

我创建了以下解决方案,它充当 BeautifulSoup 方法的代理(不太优雅)。但是,我希望有一个更简单的方法来实现这一点。基本上,我希望能够将所有 BeautifulSoup 方法修补到:

  1. 允许传递一个额外的参数,以便在一次调用中完成上述步骤
  2. 如果使用上述任何方法而不提供额外参数,我想像正常一样返回 BeautifulSoup 对象,或者MissingHTMLTagError如果返回值为 None 或空列表,则提高。

大多数情况下,下面的函数与一个类变量 ( self._soup) 一起使用,它只是一个最近的 BeautifulSoup 对象requests.Response

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def get_html_value(self, element, attribute=None, soup=None, func="find", **kwargs):
    """A one-step method to return html element attributes.

    A proxy function that handles passing parameters to BeautifulSoup object instances
    while reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed to get an element, validate its existence,
    then do the same for the attribute of that element. All while managing raising proper exceptions for debugging.
    # Get a single attribute from a single element using BeautifulSoup.find
    >> self.get_html_value("a", "href", attrs={"class": "report-list"})
    >> "example.com/page"
    # Get a single attribute from multiple elements using using BeautifulSoup.find_all
    >> self.get_html_value("a", "href", func="find_all", attrs={"class": "top-nav-link"})
    >> ["example.com/category1", "example.com/category2", "example.com/category3"]
    # Getting key/value pairs (representing hidden input fields for POST requests)
    # from a fragment of the full html page (login_form) that only contains the form controls
    >> self.get_html_value("input", ("name", "value"), soup=login_form, func="find_all", attrs={"type": "hidden"})
    >> {"csrf_token": "a1b23c456def", "viewstate": "wxyzqwerty"}
    # Find an element based on one of its parents using func="select_one"
    >> account_balance = self.get_html_value("div#account-details > section > h1", func="select_one")
    >> account_balance.string
    >> "$12,345.67"
    # Using func="select" with no attribute will return BeautifulSoup objects
    >> self.get_html_value("div#accounts > div a", func="select")
    >> [<a href="...">Act. 1</a>, <a href="...">Act. 2</a>, <a href="...">Act. 3</a>]
    # Using func="select" with attribute will return list of values
    >> self.get_html_value("div#accounts > div a", attribute="href", func="select")
    >> ["example.com/account1", "example.com/account2", "example.com/account3"]
    if not any([soup, self._soup]):
        raise ValueError("Class property soup not set and soup parameter not provided")
    elif soup:
        # provide parsing for strings and requests.Responses
        if isinstance(soup, str):
            soup = BeautifulSoup(soup, "html.parser")
        elif isinstance(soup, requests.Response):
            soup = BeautifulSoup(soup.text, "html.parser")
        soup = self._soup
    if not isinstance(attribute, (str, tuple)):
        raise TypeError("attribute can only be a string or a tuple")
    if isinstance(attribute, tuple) and len(attribute) != 2:
        raise ValueError("attribute can only be a string or tuple of 2 strings (key/value pairing)")
    bs_func = getattr(soup, func)
    if not bs_func:
        raise AttributeError("Method %s not found in the BeautifulSoup package" % func)
    bs_element = bs_func(element, **kwargs) if kwargs else bs_func(element)
    if not bs_element:
        raise MissingHtmlError(self, element, None, soup, func, kwargs)
    if attribute:
        if isinstance(attribute, str):
            # handle soup.find and soup.select_one
            if isinstance(bs_element, list):
                # single attribute for multiple elements
                bs_attributes = []
                for el in bs_element:
                    el_attribute = el.get(attribute)
                    if not el_attribute:
                        raise MissingHtmlError(self, element, attribute, soup, func, kwargs)
                return bs_attributes
                # single attribute for single element
                bs_attribute = bs_element.get(attribute)
                if not bs_attribute:
                    raise MissingHtmlError(self, element, attribute, soup, func, kwargs)
                return bs_attribute
            # handle soup.find_all and soup.select
            key, value = attribute
            if isinstance(bs_element, list):
                # attribute pairs for multiple elements
                bs_attributes = {}
                for el in bs_element:
                    el_key = el.get(key)
                    if el_key is None:
                        raise MissingHtmlError(self, element, attribute, soup, func, kwargs)
                    bs_attributes[el_key] = el.get(value, "")
                return bs_attributes
                # attribute pair for a single element
                el_key = bs_element.get(key)
                if el_key is None:
                    raise MissingHtmlError(self, element, attribute, soup, func, kwargs)
                return {el_key: bs_element.get(value, "")}
    # no attribute was provided, so return the requested element(s)
    return bs_element

无论如何都要包装 BeautifulSoup 的所有暴露.find.select-type 方法,所以我仍然可以正常使用这些方法(例如:)soup.find(),而不必使用我的解决方法功能?

标签: pythonpython-3.xbeautifulsoup



from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from functools import wraps
import requests
import inspect
import abc

class HTMLParseError(Exception):
class MissingHTMLTagError(Exception):
class MissingHTMLAttributeError(Exception):

class MyClass(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def __init__(self):
        self._sess = requests.Session()
        self._resp = None
        self._soup = None

    def _session_hook(self, response, *args, **kwargs):
        """Implicitly sets private instance variables for seamless state-tracking and less boilerplate code"""
        self._resp = response
        #if "html" in self._resp.headers["content-type"]:

    def _wrapped_soup(self, soup):
        def soup_wrapper(fn):
            def wrapped_soup(*args, **kwargs):
                extract = kwargs.pop("extract", None)
                if not isinstance(extract, (str, tuple, type(None))):
                    raise TypeError("extract can only be of type None, str, or tuple")
                elif isinstance(extract, tuple) and len(extract) != 2:
                    raise TypeError("extract tuple can only contain two values; key/value pair")
                elements = fn(*args, **kwargs)
                if not elements:
                    raise MissingHTMLTagError()
                elif not extract:
                    return elements
                elif isinstance(elements, list):
                    # handle `soup.find_all` and `soup.select`
                    if isinstance(extract, str):
                        # single attribute for multiple elements
                        attribs = list()
                        for el in elements:
                            # covers element attributes, as well soup properties like `.string`
                            el_attrib = el.get(extract) or getattr(el, extract)
                            if not el_attrib:
                                raise MissingHTMLAttributeError()
                        return attribs
                        # attribute pairs for multiple elements
                        attribs = dict()
                        key, value = extract
                        for el in elements:
                            el_key = el.get(key)
                            if el_key is None:
                                raise MissingHTMLAttributeError()
                            attribs[el_key] = el.get(value, "")
                        return attribs
                    if isinstance(extract, str):
                        # single attribute for single element
                        # covers element attributes, as well soup properties like `.string`
                        attrib = elements.get(extract) or getattr(el, extract)
                        if not attrib:
                            raise MissingHTMLAttributeError()
                        return attrib
                        # attribute pair for a single element
                        key, value = extract
                        el_key = elements.get(key)
                        if el_key is None:
                            raise MissingHTMLAttributeError()
                        return {el_key: elements.get(value, "")}
            return wrapped_soup
        # wrap all methods that start with find or select
        applicable_funcs = [
            f for f in dir(soup) 
            if f.startswith("find") 
            or f.startswith("select")
        for func in applicable_funcs:
            setattr(soup, func, soup_wrapper(getattr(soup, func)))
        return soup

    def get_soup(self):
            self._soup = self._wrapped_soup(BeautifulSoup(self._resp.text, "html.parser"))
        except HTMLParseError:
            # since this is implicit we need to fail gracefully
            #self.logger.warning("Failed to parse a response whose Content-Type header was set to text/html")

cls = MyClass()
test = cls._soup.find("a", extract="href")
print("test:", test)
