首页 > 解决方案 > 输出未正确递增 - C++


目前正在为 C++ 课程做一个项目,我需要在其中制作一个存款金额表,该金额所赚取的利息以及所赚取的总利息每年都在增加。

我没有得到我正在寻找的输出。它只是给我每年相同的输出。我确信我的问题在于我的 for 循环语句,但我需要一套新的公正的眼睛,因为我是新手。首先是.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Investment.h"

using namespace std;

    int main() {
        //Declare variables for input
        double initialDeposit, monthlyDeposit, interestRate, years, months;

        //Declare variables for data
        double totalInterestEarned;

        Investment userInput;
        //Display menu to the user
        cout << "**********************************" << endl;
        cout << "*********** Data Input ***********" << endl;
        cout << "Initial Investment Amount: " << endl;
        cout << "Monthly Deposit: " << endl;
        cout << "Annual Interest: " << endl;
        cout << "Number of years: " << "\n" << endl;

        //Get user input
        cout << "**********************************" << endl;
        cout << "*********** Data Input ***********" << endl;
        cout << "Initial Investment Amount: $" << endl;
        cin >> initialDeposit;
        cout << "Monthly Deposit: $" << endl;
        cin >> monthlyDeposit;
        cout << "Annual Interest: %" << endl;
        cin >> interestRate;
        cout << "Number of years: " << endl;
        cin >> years;
        months = years * 12;

        totalInterestEarned = userInput.interestEarned(initialDeposit, interestRate);

        //Display year end data if no monthly deposits

        cout << endl << "Balance and Interest Without Additional Monthly Deposits" << endl;
        cout << "================================================================" << endl;
        cout << "Year          Year End Balance          Year End Earned Interest" << endl;
        cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
        userInput.grandTotal(totalInterestEarned, initialDeposit, years);

        //Display year end data with monthly deposits
        cout << endl << "Balance and Interest With Additional Monthly Deposits" << endl;
        cout << "================================================================" << endl;
        cout << "Year          Year End Balance          Year End Earned Interest" << endl;
        cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
        userInput.grandTotalMonthly(totalInterestEarned, initialDeposit, interestRate, years);

        return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#ifndef Investment
using namespace std;
class Investment {
    //Data variables needed here for this class
    double initialDeposit = 0.0;
    double interestRate = 0.0;
    double monthlyDeposit = 0.0;
    double years = 0.0;

    //Constructor here
    Investment() {}

    void setInitialDeposit(double fromUserInput)
        initialDeposit = fromUserInput;
    double getInitialDeposit()
        return initialDeposit;
    void setInterestRate(double fromUserInput)
        interestRate = fromUserInput;
    double getInterestRate()
        return interestRate;
    void setMonthlyDeposit(double fromUserInput)
        monthlyDeposit = fromUserInput;
    double getMonthlyDeposit()
        return monthlyDeposit;
    void setNumYears(double fromUserInput)
        years = fromUserInput;
    double getNumYears()
        return years;
    double interestEarned(double initialDeposit, double interestRate) {
        double totInterest = (initialDeposit + (interestRate / 100.0));
        return totInterest;
    void grandTotal(double interestEarned, double initialDeposit, double years) {
        //Calculate yearly interest and year end total
        for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) {
            //Calculate yearly interest amount
            interestEarned = ((initialDeposit) * (interestRate / 100));

            //Calculate year end total
            double totalAmount = initialDeposit + interestEarned;

            //Show decimal as dollar amount correctly with set precision to 2 decimal places
            cout << (i + 1) << "\t\t$" << fixed << setprecision(2) << totalAmount << "\t\t\t$" << interestEarned << endl;
    void grandTotalMonthly(double interestEarned, double intiialDeposit, double interestRate, double years) {
        for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) {
            //Initialize yearly interest to 0
            double yearlyTotalInterest = 0.0;
            double totalAmount = initialDeposit;

            for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
                //Calculate monthly interest amount
                interestEarned = (((initialDeposit + monthlyDeposit) * (interestRate / 100)) / 12);

                //Calculate month end interest
                yearlyTotalInterest = yearlyTotalInterest + interestEarned;

                //Calculate month end total
                totalAmount = totalAmount + monthlyDeposit + interestEarned;

            cout << (i + 1) << "\t\t$" << fixed << setprecision(2) << totalAmount << "\t\t\t$" << yearlyTotalInterest << endl;



*********** Data Input ***********
Initial Investment Amount: $
Monthly Deposit: $
Annual Interest: %
Number of years:

Balance and Interest Without Additional Monthly Deposits
Year          Year End Balance          Year End Earned Interest
1               $1050.00                        $50.00
2               $1050.00                        $50.00
3               $1050.00                        $50.00
4               $1050.00                        $50.00
5               $1050.00                        $50.00

Balance and Interest With Additional Monthly Deposits
Year          Year End Balance          Year End Earned Interest
1               $1110.25                        $50.25
2               $1110.25                        $50.25
3               $1110.25                        $50.25
4               $1110.25                        $50.25
5               $1110.25                        $50.25

标签: c++



            //Calculate yearly interest amount
            interestEarned = ((initialDeposit) * (interestRate / 100));


            //Calculate yearly interest amount
            interestEarned = ((initialDeposit) * std::pow(interestRate / 100, i));

