首页 > 解决方案 > How to Select Items in an Observable Collection with a property that matches a criteria


I have an Observable Collection of a Hymn Class and another Observable Collection of a HymntType Class as shown below

public class Hymn
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int HymnNumber { get; set; } 
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string HymnTypeName { get; set; }
    public string Body { get; set; }

public class HymnType
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }

I have initialized these classes with members on their respective page view models and I would like to use the Title property of the HymnType to filter the Hymn observable collection for only Hymns that have HymnTypeName Property equal to the HymnType Title property when the user selects the user selects it.

I am using LINQ but I get null for the list of Hymns after the filter, here is an example of the code I used for the filter.

public class HymnTypeContentPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
    ObservableCollection<Hymn> _hymns;
    public ObservableCollection<Hymn> Hymns
        get => _hymns;
        set => SetProperty(ref _hymns, value);

    public HymnTypeContentPageViewModel(HymnType hymnType)
        string keyword = hymnType.Title.ToLower();

        Hymns = new ObservableCollection<Hymn>
            new Hymn
                HymnNumber = 201,
                Title = "All Things Bright and Beautiful",
                HymnTypeName = StaticStrings.AncientAndModern,
                Body = "Test Body Ancient and Modern"

            new Hymn
                HymnNumber = 270,
                Title = "He Arose",
                HymnTypeName = StaticStrings.SomeOtherHymns,
                Body = "Test Body Some Other Hymn"

        Hymns = Hymns.Where(h => h.HymnTypeName.ToLower().Contains(keyword)) as ObservableCollection<Hymn>;

Both the HymnType Class Title Property and the Hymn Class HymnTypeName property use the StaticString class for their values so it is very unlikely that it is a typo. I have tried using a foreach loop instead of LINQ and I still get null.

Not that if I do not apply the filter, I do not get null and the app works perfectly.

标签: c#xamarinxamarin.forms


You're getting NULL after casting IEnumerable<Hymn> to ObservableCollection<Hymn>. Try replace it with:

Hymns = new ObservableCollection<Hymn>(Hymns.Where(h => h.HymnTypeName.ToLower().Contains(keyword)));
