首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么即使出现错误,我的 discord.py 机器人中的这些 except 块也不运行?


我正在制作一个渲染分形的机器人,但我希望它告诉人们他们是否犯了错误。带有 except 块的部分如下:

            MAX_ITER = int(iters)
            def mandelbrot(c):
                z = complex(float(start[0]),float(start[1]))
                n = 0
                i = cmath.sqrt(-1)
                while abs(z) <= float(brakeoff) and n < MAX_ITER: # number here is the brakeoff
                    # main formula
                    z = z ** complex(float(power[0]),float(power[1])) + c
                    n += 1
                return n
        except ValueError:
            valueerror = discord.Embed(title = "`ValueError` occured. Did you enter a letter or word where there was numeric input?")
            valueerror.set_author(name = "Error", icon_url = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/848700721113333780.png?v=1")
            await status.edit(content="", embed=valueerror)
        except IndexError:
            indexerror = discord.Embed(title = "`IndexError` occured. Did you forget one of the components to a multi-component input?")
            indexerror.set_author(name = "Error", icon_url = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/848700721113333780.png?v=1")
            await status.edit(content="", embed=indexerror)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            zerodivisionerror = discord.Embed(title = "`ZeroDivisionError` occured. What did I say about how the negative and complex exponents are not supported yet?")
            zerodivisionerror.set_author(name = "Error", icon_url = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/848700721113333780.png?v=1")
            await status.edit(content="", embed=zerodivisionerror)
        except Exception as error:
            error = discord.Embed(title = "An error occured that is not documented in this formula. Here is the error in python: ||" + str(error) + "||") 

当出现错误时,它会像往常一样进入终端。但是与错误对应的 except 块没有运行;它没有发布解释错误的嵌入。我尝试了其他错误处理方式,但效果更差。我看到的所有示例都使用了 Discord 错误,而不是像我放在 except 块中的那些正常错误。我怎样才能让它工作?

标签: pythondiscorddiscord.py


您显示的代码将函数定义放在一个try块中,但实际上并未调用它。换句话说,只有在定义函数本身except存在问题时才会输入您的块。(如果您想了解不同之处,Real Python 有一个非常详尽的教程。)

正如终端输出所说,错误没有发生在那里,它发生在Mandelbot.py文件的第 322 行:m = mandelbrot(c). 这是你调用函数的地方。大概你没有try/在except那里设置。您的任何代码都没有捕获或处理异常,因此 discord.py 只是将其显示在终端中并继续其业务。


MAX_ITER = int(iters)
def mandelbrot(c):
    z = complex(float(start[0]),float(start[1]))
    n = 0
    i = cmath.sqrt(-1)
    while abs(z) <= float(brakeoff) and n < MAX_ITER: # number here is the brakeoff
        # main formula
        z = z ** complex(float(power[0]),float(power[1])) + c
        n += 1
    return n


    m = mandelbrot(c)
except ValueError:
    # (Respond to error)
except IndexError:
    # And so on...

