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I'm hoping somebody has wrestled with this issue and can help me out of the morass. My app is up and running in Google Play, Samsung, Amazon and the Apple App Store and properly serving ads in every one except Amazon. However, despite the presence of several ad sources in my mediation group only Admob seems to be serving ads and it almost looks as if the mediation group is being bypassed and only Admob is working. Any suggestions? Thanks! [enter image description here][1]

标签: xamarin


好吧,我确实包含了几个标签,例如“公开竞标”和“调解”,但我的分数不足以获得此特权。我还包括了一些屏幕截图,但它们被禁止使用。问题是我为公开竞价设置了一个中介组,该组正在投放广告,但仅来自 Admob,根据我遵循的说明,我应该会看到所有广告来源的操作。感谢 Stack Overflow 对基于 DNA 的生命形式的回应!这比我能从 Admob 得到的要多得多。
