首页 > 解决方案 > 多个表到单个 PHP 电子表格


我正在填充许多表格,其中包含特定年份的每月车辆里程详细信息。我已经设法填充表格并在网页上输出结果,但我被困在如何将 HTML 网页上显示的确切表格带到电子表格中,因为我正在使用 PHPSpreadsheet 库生成 excel。

从数据库填充数据的 HTML 表如下所示, 许多表之一


HTML页面中显示的此表仅用于我的开发目的,但实际要求是生成excel表报告。我如何通过一次将报告生成到一个 phpspreadsheet 中来实现这一点。


if (isset($_POST['btnreport'])) {
$querymain = "SELECT * FROM users";
$resultsmain = mysqli_query($connect,$querymain);
if ($resultsmain->num_rows>0) {
    while ($userid = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultsmain)) {
        $approvedkm = $userid['approved_kmpl'];
        <table class="table" class="mt-3 mb-3">
        <thead class="bg-dark text-light">
        <th colspan="3"><?php echo $userid['company']; ?></th>
        <th colspan="3"><?php echo $userid['name']; ?></th>
        <th colspan="3"><?php echo $userid['approved_kmpl'];?> KM</th>
        <th>Daily Mileage</th>
        <th>Usage For Month</th>
        <th>Required Per Month</th>
        <th>Excess Used</th>
        <th>Consumed Liters</th>
        //Closing Mileage For Month Query
        $closingmileage = "SELECT extract(MONTH from date) as Month,
        MAX(mileage) as CloseMile FROM mileagesnew 
        WHERE user_id='".$userid['id']."' 
        AND extract(YEAR FROM date) ='2020' 
        group by Month 
        ORDER BY month desc";
        //Usage For Month Query
        $usageformonth = "SELECT extract(MONTH from date) as Month, MIN(mileage) as StartMile FROM 
mileagesnew WHERE user_id='".$userid['id']."' AND extract(YEAR FROM date) ='2020' group by Month 
ORDER BY Month desc";
        //Working Days Fetch From Table Calender
        $workingdays = "SELECT Month, Working_Days as Work FROM calender WHERE Year ='2020' group by 
Month ORDER BY Month desc";
        //Query To Get The Sum Of Liters Pumped Per Month
        $fuelpumped = "SELECT extract(MONTH from date) as Month, SUM(`fuel`) FROM mileagesnew WHERE 
user_id='".$userid['id']."' AND extract(YEAR FROM date) ='2020' group by Month ORDER BY Month desc";
        //Final Query For Calculating Fuel Cost Per Month
        $fueltotalcost = "SELECT extract(MONTH from date) as Month, SUM(`fuel_cost`) FROM mileagesnew 
WHERE user_id='".$userid['id']."' AND extract(YEAR FROM date) ='2020' group by Month ORDER BY Month 
        $closingres = mysqli_query($connect,$closingmileage);
        $usage = mysqli_query($connect,$usageformonth);
        $working = mysqli_query($connect,$workingdays);
        $fuelpumpedresul = mysqli_query($connect,$fuelpumped);
        $finalfuelcstres = mysqli_query($connect,$fueltotalcost);
        if ($closingres->num_rows>0) {        
            while ($closingrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($closingres) AND $usagerow= 
 mysqli_fetch_assoc($usage) AND $workrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($working) AND $fuelpumpedresrow = 
 mysqli_fetch_assoc($fuelpumpedresul) AND $flcostrow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($finalfuelcstres)) {
                $firstrange = $closingrow['CloseMile'];
                $lastrange = $usagerow['StartMile'];
                $usageformonthres = $firstrange - $lastrange;
                $reqformont = $workrow['Work'];
                $reqformonth = $approvedkm * $reqformont;
                $excessusedcal = $usageformonthres - $reqformonth;
                <td><?php echo $closingrow['Month']; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $closingrow['CloseMile']; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $usageformonthres; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $reqformonth; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo $excessusedcal; ?></td>
                <td><?php echo ($excessusedcal - $usageformonthres)/100;?>%</td>
                $kmplfinal = $usageformonthres / floatval($fuelpumpedresrow['SUM(`fuel`)']);
                if (floatval($fuelpumpedresrow['SUM(`fuel`)']) == 0) {;
                else {
                    echo round($kmplfinal,4);
                <td><?php echo round($fuelpumpedresrow['SUM(`fuel`)'],2);?></td>
                <td><?php echo round($flcostrow['SUM(`fuel_cost`)'],2);?></td>
        } else{
            echo "No Data Found";
        <thead class="bg-dark text-light">
        <th colspan="2">Total</th>
        <th>Sum Of Above</th>
        <th>Sum Of Above</th>
        <th>Excess Usage Sum</th>
        <th>Consumed L's Sum</th>
        <th>Total Cost</th>

标签: phpmysqlwhile-loopexport-to-excelphpspreadsheet






// When executed in a browser, this script will prompt for download 
// of 'test.xls' which can then be opened by Excel or OpenOffice.

require 'php-export-data.class.php';

// 'browser' tells the library to stream the data directly to the browser.
// other options are 'file' or 'string'
// 'test.xls' is the filename that the browser will use when attempting to 
// save the download
$exporter = new ExportDataExcel('browser', 'test.xls');

$exporter->initialize(); // starts streaming data to web browser

$month = 'Month';
$mileage = 'Daily Mileage';
$usage = 'Usage For Month';
$required = 'Required Per Month';
$excess = 'Excess Used';
$percentage = '(%)';
$kmpl = 'KM/L';
$consumed = 'Consumed Liters';
$cost = 'Cost';

// Creating Heaer Row
$row = array( 


// Inside your while loop ()
while(.....) {
    // Build a row from variables
    $row = array( 

// pass addRow() an array and it converts it to Excel XML format and sends 
// it to the browser

$exporter->finalize(); // writes the footer, flushes remaining data to browser.

exit(); // all done

