首页 > 解决方案 > Octave 使用“for”语句同时显示两个动画


我想使用“for”语句制作 TOF​​-MS 光谱仪(飞行时间质谱仪)的动画。我可以制作一个脚本来动画管内的离子飞行。这是脚本:

%Definiranje konstanti
e = 1.609e-19;
u = 1.6605391e-27;
U = 15;
L = 1;
n = 1;

%Ulazni parametri i funkcije
m1 = 4; %He
m2 = 12; %C
m3 = 16; %O
T1 = L * sqrt( (m1 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v1 = L/T1;
T2 = L * sqrt( (m2 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v2 = L/T2;
T3 = L * sqrt( (m3 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v3 = L/T3;

%Opcije grafa
axis equal;
xlim ([0 1]);
ylim ([0 0.5]);
axis off;

%Linije spektrometra
rectangle ("position", [0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.3], 
           "curvature", [0.033, 0.1], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.9, 0.6, 0.4], 
           "facealpha", 0.1);
%Izvor iona           
rectangle ("position", [0.01, 0.13, 0.02, 0.04], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.5, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "facealpha", 0.1); 
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.0, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.16, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.99, 0.1, 0.01, 0.08], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");          

text (-0.05, 0.15, "izvor \niona", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.05, 0.33, "ubrzavajuci \nnapon", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.99, 0.32, "detektor", "fontsize", 20);

rectangle ("position", [0.3, 0.45, 0.01, 0.01], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.455, "He^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.2975, 0.40, 0.015, 0.015], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.4075, "C^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.295, 0.35, 0.02, 0.02], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.36, "O^+", "fontsize", 20);

t = 0 : 4d-8 : T3;
for k = 1 : length (t)
  %Ioni m1,v1
  h11 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v1 * t(k), 0.145, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h12 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v1 * t(k), 0.148, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h13 = rectangle ("position", [0.03 + v1 * t(k), 0.143, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  
  %Ioni m2,v2
  h21 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v2 * t(k), 0.1425, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h22 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v2 * t(k), 0.1455, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h23 = rectangle ("position", [0.025 + v2 * t(k), 0.1405, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");               
  %Ioni m3,v3
  h31 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v3 * t(k), 0.14, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h32 = rectangle ("position", [0.06 + v3 * t(k), 0.142, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h33 = rectangle ("position", [0.035 + v3 * t(k), 0.138, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  

  %Pauza izmedu dvije iteracije petlje
  pause (0.001);
  %Nakon svake iteracije, obrisati sliku iona iz prethodne
  delete (h11);
  delete (h12);
  delete (h13);
  delete (h21);
  delete (h22);
  delete (h23);
  delete (h31);
  delete (h32);
  delete (h33);

%Print slike
print primjer_tof_ms2.png


%Definiranje konstanti
e = 1.609e-19;
u = 1.6605391e-27;
U = 15;
L = 1;
n = 1;

%Ulazni parametri i funkcije
m1 = 4; %He
m2 = 12; %C
m3 = 16; %O
T1 = L * sqrt( (m1 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v1 = L/T1;
T2 = L * sqrt( (m2 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v2 = L/T2;
T3 = L * sqrt( (m3 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v3 = L/T3;

x01 = T1;
x02 = T2;
x03 = T3;
fwhm = 1d-7;
t = 0 : 0.4d-7 : 3d-6;
%Spektar = zbroj Lorentz-ovih funkcija (lf)
lf = ((fwhm^2)./((t-x01).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
     ((fwhm^2)./((t-x02).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
     ((fwhm^2)./((t-x03).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm);

for k = 1:length(t)
axes ("position", [0.5, 0.67, 0.2, 0.17]);          
plot (t(1:k), lf(1:k), "linewidth", 2);
axis ([0 3d-6 0 5d6])
legend ("off");
set (gca, "xtick", []);
set (gca, "ytick", []);
ht = title(['t = ' num2str(t(k)) ' s']);
pause (0.001);
delete (ht);
title(['t = ' num2str(t(k))]);


%Definiranje konstanti
e = 1.609e-19;
u = 1.6605391e-27;
U = 15;
L = 1;
n = 1;

%Ulazni parametri i funkcije
m1 = 4; %He
m2 = 12; %C
m3 = 16; %O
T1 = L * sqrt( (m1 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v1 = L/T1;
T2 = L * sqrt( (m2 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v2 = L/T2;
T3 = L * sqrt( (m3 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v3 = L/T3;

%Opcije grafa
axis equal;
xlim ([0 1]);
ylim ([0 0.5]);
axis off;

%Linije spektrometra
rectangle ("position", [0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.3], 
           "curvature", [0.033, 0.1], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.9, 0.6, 0.4], 
           "facealpha", 0.1);
%Izvor iona           
rectangle ("position", [0.01, 0.13, 0.02, 0.04], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.5, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "facealpha", 0.1); 
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.0, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.16, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.99, 0.1, 0.01, 0.08], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");          

text (-0.05, 0.15, "izvor \niona", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.05, 0.33, "ubrzavajuci \nnapon", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.99, 0.32, "detektor", "fontsize", 20);

rectangle ("position", [0.3, 0.45, 0.01, 0.01], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.455, "He^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.2975, 0.40, 0.015, 0.015], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.4075, "C^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.295, 0.35, 0.02, 0.02], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.36, "O^+", "fontsize", 20);

t = 0 : 4d-8 : T3;
for k = 1 : length (t)
  %Ioni m1,v1
  h11 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v1 * t(k), 0.145, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h12 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v1 * t(k), 0.148, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h13 = rectangle ("position", [0.03 + v1 * t(k), 0.143, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  
  %Ioni m2,v2
  h21 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v2 * t(k), 0.1425, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h22 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v2 * t(k), 0.1455, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h23 = rectangle ("position", [0.025 + v2 * t(k), 0.1405, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");               
  %Ioni m3,v3
  h31 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v3 * t(k), 0.14, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h32 = rectangle ("position", [0.06 + v3 * t(k), 0.142, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h33 = rectangle ("position", [0.035 + v3 * t(k), 0.138, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  

  hold on;                  
  x01 = T1;
  x02 = T2;
  x03 = T3;
  fwhm = 1d-7;
  %Spektar = zbroj Lorentz-ovih funkcija (lf)
  lf = ((fwhm^2)./((t-x01).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
       ((fwhm^2)./((t-x02).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
       ((fwhm^2)./((t-x03).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm);
  axes ("position", [0.5, 0.67, 0.2, 0.17]);          
  plot (t(1:k), lf(1:k), "linewidth", 2);
  axis ([0 3d-6 0 5d6])
  legend ("off");
  set (gca, "xtick", []);
  set (gca, "ytick", []);
  ht = title(['t = ' num2str(t(k)) ' s']);
  delete (ht);
  title(['t = ' num2str(t(k))]);                  
  %Pauza izmedu dvije iteracije petlje
  pause (0.001);
  %Nakon svake iteracije, obrisati sliku iona iz prethodne
  delete (h11);
  delete (h12);
  delete (h13);
  delete (h21);
  delete (h22);
  delete (h23);
  delete (h31);
  delete (h32);
  delete (h33);

hold off; 

%Print slike
print primjer_tof_ms2.png




标签: for-loopanimationoctave



axes ("position", [0.5, 0.67, 0.2, 0.17]); 

这也将它们设置为当前的。然后,当你做你的事情时rectangle,这些矩形会绘制在你为光谱创建的小轴上,这些矩形会立即被你创建的新轴覆盖。您隐式创建的第一个轴始终axis equal;保持未使用状态。


h = figure;
ax1 = axes('position',[.1,.5,.4,.4]);
ax2 = axes('position',[.5,.1,.4,.4]);

v = -10; 
wmin = 0; dw=0.1; Wmax = 6*pi();
w = [wmin:dw:Wmax];
t0 = 0; dt = 0.01; T = 10;
for t = t0:dt:T;
    x = w/Wmax .*cos(w+t*v);
    y = w/Wmax .*sin(w+t*v);
    plot(ax1,x,y);%specificaly plot to ax1 (also sets it as current)
    axes(ax2)%set ax2 as current axis 
    plot(w,x,w,y);%plot to the current axis

然后还有一些警告、意外行为或错误,取决于所选的图形工具包和 octave 版本。我在尝试您的代码时遇到的一个问题是该title对象被 破坏了plot,因此您必须重新创建它而不是更新它的 text 属性。我隐约记得以前在与八度音阶绘图相关的其他情况下不得不求助于其他解决方法。因此,了解它应该如何工作可能会有所帮助,从长远来看,阅读文档可能是值得的。我会推荐别的东西,但这就是我所拥有的。


%Definiranje konstanti
e = 1.609e-19;
u = 1.6605391e-27;
U = 15;
L = 1;
n = 1;

%Ulazni parametri i funkcije
m1 = 4; %He
m2 = 12; %C
m3 = 16; %O
T1 = L * sqrt( (m1 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v1 = L/T1;
T2 = L * sqrt( (m2 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v2 = L/T2;
T3 = L * sqrt( (m3 * u)/(2 * n * e * 1000 * U) );
v3 = L/T3;

%Opcije grafa
ax1 = axes();%create axes for particles 
axis equal;
xlim ([0 1]);
ylim ([0 0.5]);
axis off;

ax2 = axes ("position", [0.5, 0.67, 0.2, 0.17]);%create axes for spectrum (also activates them)
axis ([0 3d-6 0 5d6])
legend ("off");
set (ax2, "xtick", []);
set (ax2, "ytick", []);

axes(ax1)%activate axes for particles 
%Linije spektrometra
rectangle ("position", [0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.3], 
           "curvature", [0.033, 0.1], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.9, 0.6, 0.4], 
           "facealpha", 0.1);
%Izvor iona           
rectangle ("position", [0.01, 0.13, 0.02, 0.04], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.5, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "facealpha", 0.1); 
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.0, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.04, 0.16, 0.025, 0.14], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
rectangle ("position", [0.99, 0.1, 0.01, 0.08], 
           "curvature", [0, 0], 
           "linewidth", 1.5, 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.2, 0.7], 
           "edgecolor", "none");          

text (-0.05, 0.15, "izvor \niona", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.05, 0.33, "ubrzavajuci \nnapon", "fontsize", 20);
text (0.99, 0.32, "detektor", "fontsize", 20);

rectangle ("position", [0.3, 0.45, 0.01, 0.01], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.455, "He^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.2975, 0.40, 0.015, 0.015], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.4075, "C^+", "fontsize", 20);
rectangle ("position", [0.295, 0.35, 0.02, 0.02], 
           "curvature", [1, 1], 
           "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
           "edgecolor", "none");
text (0.35, 0.36, "O^+", "fontsize", 20);

t = 0 : 4d-8 : T3;
for k = 1 : length (t)
  axes(ax1)%activate axes for particles
  %Ioni m1,v1
  h11 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v1 * t(k), 0.145, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h12 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v1 * t(k), 0.148, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h13 = rectangle ("position", [0.03 + v1 * t(k), 0.143, 0.01, 0.01], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.2, 0.8, 0.6], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  
  %Ioni m2,v2
  h21 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v2 * t(k), 0.1425, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none"); 
  h22 = rectangle ("position", [0.04 + v2 * t(k), 0.1455, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h23 = rectangle ("position", [0.025 + v2 * t(k), 0.1405, 0.015, 0.015], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.4, 0.2, 0.8], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");               
  %Ioni m3,v3
  h31 = rectangle ("position", [0.05 + v3 * t(k), 0.14, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h32 = rectangle ("position", [0.06 + v3 * t(k), 0.142, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");
  h33 = rectangle ("position", [0.035 + v3 * t(k), 0.138, 0.02, 0.02], 
                  "curvature", [1, 1], 
                  "facecolor", [0.8, 0.2, 0.4], 
                  "edgecolor", "none");                  

  hold on;                  
  x01 = T1;
  x02 = T2;
  x03 = T3;
  fwhm = 1d-7;
  %Spektar = zbroj Lorentz-ovih funkcija (lf)
  lf = ((fwhm^2)./((t-x01).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
       ((fwhm^2)./((t-x02).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm) + ...
       ((fwhm^2)./((t-x03).^2 + fwhm^2))/(pi * fwhm);
  plot (ax2,t(1:k), lf(1:k), "linewidth", 2);%plot on spectrum axes (activates them)

        legend ("off");
        set (ax2, "xtick", []);%these properties are reset by each plot, need to set them in loop
        set (ax2, "ytick", []);
        title(['t = ' num2str(t(k))]);                  
  %Pauza izmedu dvije iteracije petlje
  pause (0.001);
  %Nakon svake iteracije, obrisati sliku iona iz prethodne
  delete (h11);
  delete (h12);
  delete (h13);
  delete (h21);
  delete (h22);
  delete (h23);
  delete (h31);
  delete (h32);
  delete (h33);

hold off; 
