首页 > 解决方案 > 如何从 WxPython 中读取内联样式


我正在尝试将文本放入 RichTextCtrl 中,然后在用户进行编辑后,我希望将编辑后的文本与样式一起返回。这是我遇到麻烦的第二部分。在所有从缓冲区中获取样式的方法中,没有一个是真正用户友好的。

我想出的最好方法是一次遍历一个字符的文本GetStyleForRange(range, style)必须有更好的方法来做到这一点!这是我现在的代码,它逐步收集文本段和样式列表。


        buffer: wx.richtext.RichTextBuffer = self.rtc.GetBuffer()
        end = len(buffer.GetText())

        # Variables for text/style reading loop
        ch: str
        curStyle: str
        i: int = 0
        style = wx.richtext.RichTextAttr()
        text: List[str] = []
        textItems: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []

        # Read the style of the first character
        self.rtc.GetStyleForRange(wx.richtext.RichTextRange(i, i + 1), style)
        curStyle = self.describeStyle(style)

        # Loop until we hit the end. Use a while loop so we can control the index increment.
        while i < end + 1:
            # Read the current character and its style as `ch` and `newStyle`
            ch = buffer.GetTextForRange(wx.richtext.RichTextRange(i, i))
            self.rtc.GetStyleForRange(wx.richtext.RichTextRange(i, i + 1), style)
            newStyle = self.describeStyle(style)

            # If the style has changed, we flush the collected text and start new collection
            if text and newStyle != curStyle and ch != '\n':
                newText = "".join(text)
                textItems.append((newText, curStyle))
                text = []
                self.rtc.GetStyleForRange(wx.richtext.RichTextRange(i + 1, i + 2), style)
                curStyle = self.describeStyle(style)

            # Otherwise, collect the character and continue
                i += 1

        # Capture the last text being collected
        newText = "".join(text)
        textItems.append((newText, newStyle))

标签: pythonwxpythonwxwidgets


这是我在上面的评论中提到的解决方案的 C++ 版本。这是一个使用队列的简单树遍历,所以我认为应该很容易翻译成 python。

const wxRichTextBuffer& buffer = m_richText1->GetBuffer();
std::deque<const wxRichTextObject*> objects;

while ( !objects.empty() )
    const wxRichTextObject* curObject = objects.front();

    if ( !curObject->IsComposite() )
        wxRichTextRange range = curObject->GetRange();
        const wxRichTextAttr& attr = curObject->GetAttributes();

        // Do something with range and attr here.
        // This is a composite object. Add its children to the queue.
        // The children are added in reverse order to do a depth first walk.
        const wxRichTextCompositeObject* curComposite =
            static_cast<const wxRichTextCompositeObject*>(curObject);

        size_t childCount = curComposite->GetChildCount() ;

        for ( int i = childCount - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
