首页 > 解决方案 > 如何理解程序输出的多项式系数?


我试图获得代表 4 个变量的表面的多项式方程:泄漏、压力、尺寸和速度。基本上我试图找到方程泄漏= f(压力,尺寸,速度)。我设法得到多项式系数和截距,如下所示这篇文章,但我不知道如何在多项式方程中解释它们(即:z = ao + alx + a2Y + a3XY + a4x2 + a5y2 + a6 x3 + a7x2 y + a8 x y2 + ag 等)。有人可以帮忙吗?:

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# my data 
data=np.column_stack((speed, dimension3,pressure3,leakage3))

# Generate polynomial features of desired degree
d = 6
poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=d, include_bias=False)
X = poly.fit_transform(data[:, :-1])
y = data[:,-1] 

# Define and fit linear regression 
clf = LinearRegression()
clf.fit(X, y)

# Check results
[ 1.21064489e-09  2.51751918e-11  3.17543952e-12 -3.66443110e-13
 -3.62188623e-14  1.13794085e-14  2.33351780e-15  8.76551176e-16
  9.65867527e-16  6.69545284e-16 -1.67396381e-16 -1.57313479e-16
 -8.47927583e-17 -3.38219081e-16  1.83324692e-17 -3.10419931e-16
  1.43757683e-16 -2.25732234e-16 -2.37769462e-16 -1.25305377e-18
  4.30862718e-18 -3.03569002e-16  6.43054057e-19  2.88496876e-15
  2.13470938e-14  3.85650361e-20  4.65962202e-16 -2.18466792e-13
 -2.30089604e-13 -4.53158981e-22  3.96214571e-17  6.38462456e-13
  1.48896917e-12  1.52973108e-13 -1.18405974e-14  4.30024113e-15
 -2.52978182e-13  5.34046635e-16  2.40414556e-12  1.77892418e-11
  3.60577799e-17  3.88296991e-13 -1.82055655e-10 -1.91741331e-10
 -4.76611883e-19  3.30372428e-14  5.32052044e-10  1.24080759e-09
  1.27477605e-10  2.12356214e-18  1.47504991e-15  1.81132053e-10
  3.25304547e-10  7.36098343e-11  1.75235266e-11  2.36581268e-18
 -6.40351208e-19  4.91896560e-17 -1.01893976e-17 -3.16647219e-16
 -3.52899091e-15  1.99753728e-16 -6.70331612e-15  3.37679794e-14
  3.84231696e-14 -1.53920338e-15  1.15182270e-13 -1.08869747e-14
 -3.29823619e-13  8.93971247e-14  2.18311227e-15 -8.17692841e-13
 -4.15197656e-13 -3.45795442e-12  1.67485115e-11 -2.44352687e-11
  2.13680892e-15  1.46360317e-12  1.90178331e-12 -4.17133327e-11
  2.89651154e-10 -1.07175872e-09  1.32403379e-09]

标签: pythonpolynomials



如果您 p​​rint poly.powers_,您应该能够解释每个值的含义。

array([[1, 0, 0],
   [0, 1, 0],
   [0, 0, 1],
   [2, 0, 0],
   [1, 1, 0],
   [0, 4, 2],
   [0, 3, 3],
   [0, 2, 4],
   [0, 1, 5],
   [0, 0, 6]], dtype=int64)


例如:[2, 3, 1]表示speed^2 * dimension^3 * pressure

作为 6 次多项式,对于[x, y, z]变量的任何幂集,此规则适用:x + y + z <= 6



clf.intercept_ +
y0 * speed +  # not mentioning "* dimension^0 * pressure^0" which equals  1
y1 * dimension +
y2 * pressure +
y3 * speed^2 +
y4 * speed * dimension +
... +
y79 * dimension^4 * pressure^2 +
y80 * dimension^3 * pressure^3 +
y81 * dimension^2 * pressure^4 +
y82 * dimension * pressure^5 +
y83 * pressure^6
~= leakage



import numpy as np
x = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
# the input must be a matrix of shape n_rows * 3 columns
y_pred = poly.transform(np.array(x).reshape(-1, poly.n_input_features_))  
y_pred = clf.predict(y_pred)

# timeit:
# 91.5 µs ± 1.73 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

由于 numpy 的广播功能,这相当于(但比)以下功能。IMO 它有助于了解幕后发生的事情。

import numpy as np
def custom_predict(x, clf, poly):
    # any number of rows, 3 columns in our case
    x = np.array(x).reshape(-1, poly.n_input_features_) 
    return np.array([
        (clf.coef_ * np.product(np.power(row, poly.powers_), axis=1)).sum() + clf.intercept_
        for row in x

y_pred = custom_predict([[1,2,3], [4, 5, 6]], clf, poly)

# timeit:
# 447 µs ± 3.74 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)

如前所述,您的输入 x 必须具有与原始 相同数量的特征(列)fit_transform,但您可以传递任意数量的观察值(行)。
