首页 > 解决方案 > Change inside brackets not working in vim


I'm trying to change the text inside brackets with ci{ but there is nothing happening at all. When I'm trying to do this with ci" it works fine. When being in insert mode, I can type (,{,[, just as usual, and even the jumping between paragraphs with { or } just works as expected. It seems like it's just the ci{ commands that don't work.

For example I have the following sentence in the document, with | being the cursor and in normal-mode:

This| is a "Test" {or isn't it}.

ci{ results in still being normal-mode

This| is a "Test" {or isn't it}.

But ci" results in with being in insert-mode

This is a "|" {or isn't it}.

I'm using manjaro, with i3, and urxvt.

I've found out that this key is interpreted by the keyboard driver and therefore is not understood by vim from this post.

Is there a workaround or a solution to this?

标签: vim

