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I'm implementing the api in codeigniter using the restcontroller and format files shown in the gist below, once inserted I implement the Api.php file in the path specified below but when I try to call the api as a test I get the following error 404 not found, what is it and how can I fix this?

url to call api get: http://localhost/api/Api/testget

I have this file (rest controller and format) https://gist.github.com/riccardopirani/8878fcda16cae2ad45e4b1c9e624f619

Php Code(in folder /controllers/api/Api.php:


use Restserver\Libraries\REST_Controller;


    class Books extends REST_Controller {
        function testget()
           $data = array("message"=>"RESTfull API sample");

标签: phpcodeignitercodeigniter-3


将方法名称写为test_get. 保持类和文件名相同,然后调用 (get) http://localhost/[projectname]/index.php/api/book/test
