首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 argv 的分段错误


我不确定我的代码有什么问题。在我尝试使用 argv 命令之前,一切正常,然后当我去执行时,我遇到了分段错误。请让我知道你的想法。

   #include <iostream>
   #include <vector>
   #include <algorithm>
   #include <string>
   using namespace std;
   int main(int argc, char **argv) {
      vector<string> nums;
      vector<string> single {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"};
      vector<string> second {"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"};
      vector<string> twos {"twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"};
      string num;
      string s;
      s = argv[1];
      while (s != "quit") {
     int b =s.length();
      int a = stoi(s);
          if (a< 10){
                 cout << "Number" << s << "is written as" << single[a] << '\n';
          else if (a < 100){
              int temp10 = a / 10;
              int temp1 = a - temp10*10;
              if (temp1 == 0){
                  cout << "Oops! Entered a 0 in the number";
                  cout << "Number" << s << "is written as" << single[temp10] << single[temp1] << '\n';
          else if (b == 3){
              int temp100 = a / 100;
              int temp10  = a - temp100*100;
              temp10  = temp10 / 10;
              int temp1   = a - temp100*100 - temp10*10;
                 if (temp10 == 1){
                       cout << "Oops! Entered a 1 in the tens place";
                  }else if (temp10 == 0 || temp1 == 0){
                      cout << "Oops! Entered a 0 in the number";
                      cout << "Number" << s << "is written as" << single[temp10] << single[temp1] << '\n';
          else if (b == 4){
              int temp1000 = a / 1000;
              int temp100 = a - temp1000*1000;
              temp100 = temp100 / 100;
              int temp10  = a - temp1000*1000 - temp100*100;
              temp10  = temp10 / 10;
              int temp1   = a - temp1000*1000 - temp100*100 - temp10*10;
              if (temp10 == 1){
                  cout << "Oops! Entered a 1 in the tens place";
              }else if (temp1000 == 0 || temp100 == 0 || temp10 == 0 || temp1 == 0){
                  cout << "Oops! Entered a 0 in the number";
                  cout << "Number" << s << "is written as" << temp1000 << "thousand" << temp100 << "hundred" << single[temp10] << si
    ngle[temp1] << '\n';


标签: c++segmentation-faultargv


我认为问题在于潜在的无限循环while (s != "quit"){nums.push_back(s);},如果s真的没有退出怎么办?无限循环很可能导致分段错误。

警告:在抛出 'std::invalid_argument' what(): stoi 的实例后,int a = stoi(s);您将终止调用
