首页 > 解决方案 > NameError:名称“”未定义


我下面的代码应该将客户对象的 describe 方法的返回值打印到终端……但事实并非如此。问题似乎是 NameError: name 'price' is not defined。

class TicketMixin:
    """ Mixin to calculate ticket price based on age """
    def calculate_ticket_price(self, age):
        ticket_price = 0
        price = ticket_price
        if self.age < 12:
            price = ticket_price + 0
        elif self.age < 18:
            price = ticket_price + 15
        elif self.age < 60:
            price = ticket_price + 20
        elif self.age >= 60:
            price = ticket_price + 10
        return price

class Customer(TicketMixin):
    """ Create instance of Customer """
    def __init__(self, name, age,):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
    def describe(self):
        return f"{self.name} age {self.age} ticket price is {price}"
customer = Customer("Ryan Phillips", 22)


标签: pythonmixinspython-class



def describe(self):
    return f"{self.name} age {self.age} ticket price is {self.calculate_ticket_price(self.age)}"


class TicketMixin:
    """ Mixin to calculate ticket price based on age """
    def calculate_ticket_price(self, age):
        ticket_price = 0
        price = ticket_price
        if age < 12:
            price = ticket_price + 0
        elif age < 18:
            price = ticket_price + 15
        elif age < 60:
            price = ticket_price + 20
        elif age >= 60:
            price = ticket_price + 10
        return price


class TicketMixin:
    """ Mixin to calculate ticket price based on age """
    def calculate_ticket_price(self):
        ticket_price = 0
        price = ticket_price
        if self.age < 12:
            price = ticket_price + 0
        elif self.age < 18:
            price = ticket_price + 15
        elif self.age < 60:
            price = ticket_price + 20
        elif self.age >= 60:
            price = ticket_price + 10
        return price


def describe(self):
    return f"{self.name} age {self.age} ticket price is {self.calculate_ticket_price()}"

在前者中,请注意您在定义中根本不self 使用;这表明它应该是一个静态方法,或者只是一个可以Customer在不需要任何混合类的情况下使用的常规函数​​。
