首页 > 解决方案 > 启动画面上的启动逻辑永远循环



我的服务检查 firebase 上的用户状态,如下所示:

 Stream<User?> isUserLoggedIn() {
    var user = _firebaseAuth.authStateChanges();

    return user;


  User? handleStartUpLogic() {
    print('Run only once and stop magically printing text!');
    _authenticationServices.isUserLoggedIn().listen((User? user) {
      if (user == null) {
        print('User is signed out!');
      } else {
        print('User is signed in!');


 return ViewModelBuilder<SplashModel>.reactive(
        onModelReady: (model) => model.handleStartUpLogic(),
        createNewModelOnInsert: false,
        builder: (context, model, child) => Scaffold(
              backgroundColor: fontColor,
              body: Center(child: Image.asset('assets/fable_Icon.png')),


I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 10 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 32 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/zygote  (12991): Do partial code cache collection, code=60KB, data=43KB
I/zygote  (12991): After code cache collection, code=57KB, data=42KB
I/zygote  (12991): Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 156 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 15 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 54 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/chatty  (12991): uid=10080(u0_a80) 1.ui identical 21 lines
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!
I/flutter (12991): Run only once and stop magically printing text!


标签: flutterdartstacked


build 方法中的任何内容都可以构建多次,例如更新状态时。通过获取模型,您可能正在更新状态,这会触发函数,从而更新状态。你应该把它放在一个initState().
