首页 > 解决方案 > 从 android studio 运行时 Flutter 在 iOS 设备上显示白屏


我想在我的设备上测试实时应用程序,就像我可以在我的设备上进行更改并查看一样,但是当我通过 android studio 绿色运行按钮运行应用程序时,它只显示白屏并显示此消息

Still attempting to connect to the VM Service...
If you do NOT see the Flutter application running, it might have crashed. The device logs (e.g. from adb or XCode) might have more details.
If you do see the Flutter application running on the device, try re-running with --host-vmservice-port to use a specific port known to be available.
Exception attempting to connect to the VM Service: SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused, errno = 61, address =, port = 53666
This was attempt #50. Will retry in 0:00:01.600000.

如果我在 Xcode 上打开项目并从那里在设备上运行,那么它工作得很好,但我看不到那里的实时变化。我需要从 android studio 运行,这样我就可以对其进行测试,看看有没有人帮忙解决这个问题?

应用程序也没有任何 firebase 或 firestore 插件

标签: flutterdart

