首页 > 解决方案 > 如何修复在 Delphi 中完成的示例应用程序 iOS 在启动后崩溃


修复示例应用程序 iOS Delphi 在启动 Delphi 10.4.2 Mac High Sierra 10.13.3 后崩溃

尝试在模拟器 iPhone 6 Plus SDK 9.2 中进行测试

应用程序在 Simulador 中启动,显示启动画面然后崩溃(关闭)


Jun  7 23:26:12 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: could not find icon for representation - com.apple.mobilephone
     Jun  7 23:26:12 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: could not find icon for representation - com.apple.mobilemail
     Jun  7 23:26:12 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: could not find icon for representation - com.apple.Music
     Jun  7 23:26:12 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: Reply Error: Connection interrupted
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Registered for possible future reinstall: (Header, file:///Users/jcgr/PAServer/scratch-dir/jcgr-10/Header.app/, {
     CFBundleIdentifier = Header;
     PackageType = Developer;
     SimulatorRootPath = "/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 9.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot";
     SimulatorUserPath = "/Users/jcgr/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/C9BD6E6D-259E-4768-950F-3F670E7F0690/data";
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac itunesstored[519]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:60: _CTServerConnectionCopyMobileEquipmentInfo: CommCenter error: 1:45 (Operation not supported)
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac itunesstored[519]: Normal message received by listener connection. Ignoring.
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac itunesstored[519]: libMobileGestalt MGBasebandSupport.c:189: No CT mobile equipment info dictionary while fetching kCTMobileEquipmentInfoIMEI
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Pasteboard change listener callback port NSMachPort: 0x7fc00bd0fd70 registered
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Requesting launch of Header with options: {
     environment =     {
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Beginning launch sequence for bundle 'Header'
     retryTimeout: 120.000000 (default write com.apple.CoreSimulatorBridge LaunchRetryTimeout value)
     bootTimeout: 300.000000 (default write com.apple.CoreSimulatorBridge BootRetryTimeout value)
     bootLeeway: 120.000000 (default write com.apple.CoreSimulatorBridge BootLeeway value)
     Note: Use 'xcrun simctl spawn booted defaults write domain key value' to modify defaults in the booted Simulator device.
     Simulator booted at: 2021-06-08 02:25:30 +0000
     Current time: 2021-06-08 03:26:13 +0000
     Within boot leeway: NO
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Launch attempt #0 for bundle 'Header', have been trying to launch for 0 seconds. Modern launch services = NO
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Got LSBundleProxy for 'Header', sequenceNumber 63, cacheGUID __NSConcreteUUID 0x7fc00e806fd0 BF5B2EDB-A9ED-48B7-BCA4-D99CA861CC07
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac assertiond[473]: assertion failed: 17D2047 13C75: assertiond + 12188 [8CF1968D-3466-38B7-B225-3F6F5B64C552]: 0x1
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac CoreSimulatorBridge[475]: Launch successful for 'Header'
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDevice.C9BD6E6D-259E-4768-950F-3F670E7F0690[450] (UIKitApplication:Header[0x754a][823]): Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: Application 'UIKitApplication:Header[0x754a]' crashed.
     Jun  7 23:26:13 Juans-Mac assertiond[473]: assertion failed: 17D2047 13C75: assertiond + 12188 [8CF1968D-3466-38B7-B225-3F6F5B64C552]: 0x1
     Jun  7 23:26:14 Juans-Mac SpringBoard[469]: Reply Error: Connection interrupted


标签: iosxcodedelphi

