首页 > 解决方案 > Django Rest Mocking a Get request


I have a viewset for services and an action method defined as:

        methods=['patch'], detail=True, url_name='deploy', url_path='deploy')
    def deploy(self, request, pk=None):
        An extra action for processing requests
        # Gets current instance
        instance = self.get_object()


        # Sends GET request 
        get = APIServiceRequestRouter()
        item_list = get.get_data_request()

My get_data_request() method will send a get request to a url, which will return a json response. But of course, this goes out to a third-party api, which I want to mock in my unit test.

I have this unit test for my deploy action endpoint on my services viewset, which currently only test the send of a patch payload to the endpoint. So I need to add a mocked get response as well:

def test_valid_deploy(self) -> None:
        """Test an valid deploy"""
        response = self.client.patch(
            reverse('services-deploy', kwargs={'pk': self.service2.pk}),
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT)

What I'm not sure is how to add a mocked get response into this unit test. The error I'm getting when I run my unit tests is that in my test_valid_deploy is that the get_data_request() method I have this:

response = http_get_request.delay(api_url)
response_obj = response.get()

item_ids = response_obj['item_id']

But of course response_obj is empty or of NoneType and therefore the ['item_id'] key does not exist, I get a TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable error.

My thoughts then turned to mocking the get to populate response_obj with relevant data so that my test passes.

Any thoughts or help would be very much appreciated.

标签: djangodjango-rest-framework


Try mocking the return value of get_data_request instead?

def test_valid_deploy(self, mocked_get_data_request):
    mocked_get_data_request.return_value = {"key": "value"}  # your mocked object here
    # rest of the test...
