首页 > 解决方案 > 用于继承的java抽象类


我有一个项目,我目前正在使用 org.apache.poi 将记录从 excel 文件加载到数据库

我有 3 种文件要加载到不同的 Dto 类中。其中两个 dto 共享相同的基类(它们具有共同的属性)

public class PpyRecordDTO {

private String units;
private Double quantity;


public class FirstRecordDTO extends RecordDTO {
private String normDescription;
private String relatedUnits;


public class SecondRecordDTO extends RecordDTO{

private String normName;

public class ThirdRecordDTO {

private String code;

ThirdRecordDto 类具有唯一属性,并且没有与基 dto 类 RecordDTO 共享的属性

我想从此方法返回基类:RecordDto(但 ThirdRecordDTO 无法扩展它,因为没有公共字段)

    public static List<?extends RecordDTO> readPpyExcelFile(MultipartFile file, SourceType sourceType){
    //TODO: making readPpyExcelFile generic
    try {
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new BufferedInputStream(file.getInputStream()));

        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
        Iterator<Row> rows = sheet.iterator();

        List<? extends RecordDTO> lstRecords = processRecords(rows, sourceType);

        // Close WorkBook

        return lstRecords;
    } catch(ApiGenericException apiException){
        throw new ApiGenericException(apiException.getStatus(), apiException.getMessage(), apiException.getErrorType());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new ApiGenericException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,"Enable while loading the file", ApiErrorType.Unhandled

有没有办法让 dto ThirdRecordDto 也被返回或从其他 dto 共享的抽象类继承以返回类型 <?从此方法扩展列表?

标签: javainheritanceabstract-class



public interface Ppy {
 // common methods if any

public class PpyRecordDTO implements Ppy{...}
public class FirstRecordDTO extends PpyRecordDTO {...} // so that it also implements Ppy interface
public class SecondRecordDTO extends PpyRecordDTO {...} // the same as above
public class ThirdRecordDTO implements Ppy {...} // Note, it doesn't extend PpyRecordDTO but implements the interface


 public static List<Ppy> readPpyExcelFile(MultipartFile file, SourceType sourceType){...}


List<Ppy> ppis = readPpyExcelFile(...);
Page page = ...
for(Ppy ppi : ppis) {

但是,如果接口没有任何常用方法 - 它不会有太大帮助。当子对象可以被视为父对象的特化时使用继承(因此子对象“是”父对象)。所以想想继承在这里是否真的合适,假设ThirdRecordDTO与其他类没有任何共同之处。
