首页 > 解决方案 > 高级 TS 类型:镜像键但成为新值的包装器类型



interface IMyInterface {
   name: string
   subobject: {
     boolField: boolean

然后OptionsTransformer将其包装起来,对于每一key-value对,保持密钥相同,但将值更改为新的 class FieldOptions<type>。例如:

const transformed: OptionsTransformer<IMyInterface> = {
     name: new FieldOptions<string>(),
     subobject: {
         boolField: new FieldOptions<boolean>()

这是因为我知道TS接口在运行时会消失,因此您无法在运行时真正检查它们。我希望能够编写如下函数(我的实际用例是在 post 请求的正文中输入:我知道它应该是什么样子,并想验证它看起来像那样):

const runtimeVerifier<T> = (
   options: OptionsTransformer<T>, input: Record<string, unknown>
) => {
   //for each value in input, run the it's verifier. If it's a sub-object,
   //recurse and do runtime verifier on the sub-object.

另一个要求是,在编译时,如果我向 中添加一个字段IMyInterface,我希望TS编译器在那里给我一个错误,例如“您的 optionsTransformer 缺少该字段。”。


//this class doesn't matter, but here for completeness
class FieldOption<T> {}

export interface IValidBody {
    [x: string]: boolean | string | number | IValidBody 

export type OptionsTransformer<T extends IValidBody> = {
    [key in keyof T]-?: T[key] extends IValidBody 
        ? IOptionsForFields<T[key]> 
        : FieldOption<T[key]>



标签: typescripttypescript-typingstypescript-generics



我非常接近 - 让泛型OptionsTransformer强制递归子类型也实现接口 - 即使它做到了,类型也会被删除(出于我不知道的原因)然后它没有实现类型。



//can be any class!
class AnyClass<T> {
    constructor(item: T) {
        console.log(typeof item)

//just using string here, but can be any type(s).
interface RecursiveInterface {
    [key: string]: string | RecursiveInterface

//fix is here: T no longer extends Recursive interface. 
//I'm not 100% sure why, but it works. Any sub object will be 
//"duck typed" into recursive interface, so you can nest as deeply
//as you desire. 
type RecursiveInterfaceWrappedWithClass<T> = {
    [key in keyof T]: T[key] extends RecursiveInterface ? RecursiveInterfaceWrappedWithClass<T[key]> : AnyClass<T[key]>

//example: interface with nested object. Only go 1 deep in this example,
//but you can nest as far as you'd like.
interface MyObject {
    foo: string
    bar: {
        baz: string

//here's the wrapper.
const myObjectWrapped: RecursiveInterfaceWrappedWithClass<MyObject> = {
    foo: new AnyClass('string'),
    bar: {
        baz: new AnyClass('hi')
