首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Java 中查找和编辑 ArrayList


我编写了一个代码来将用户提供的每个约会日历存储到一个 ArrayList 中。每个 ArrayList 包含标题、描述、日期和时间。



// Asks user to enter the Appointment title that they wish to edit
System.out.println("Please enter the appointment that you wish to edit: ");
String choicetitle = scan.next();

for (Appointment value : aplist)
    // if the title of the Appointment matches with one of the data, then..
    if (choicetitle.equalsIgnoreCase(value.title))

        // ..the output occurs on the console and asks the user to enter the new data
        input = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println("Please give the new data: \n");
        System.out.println("Please give the date of the appointment! \n" +
                "Year (format YYYY): ");
        year = input.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Month (format MM): ");
        month = input.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Day (format DD): ");
        day = input.nextInt();
        value.date = LocalDate.of(year, month, day);

        System.out.println("Please give the time of the appointment! \n" +
                "Hour (format hh): ");
        hour = input.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Minute (format mm): ");
        min = input.nextInt();
        value.time = LocalTime.of(hour, min);

        System.out.println("Please give the title of the appointment: ");
        value.title = input.next();

        System.out.println("Please give the description of the appointment: ");
        value.desc = input.next();
    // if the user enters a title that doesn't exist
        System.out.println("There's no appointment with this title!");

但是如果 ArrayList 中已经有 3 个元素(3 个约会日历)并且假设我要编辑第三个元素,它会给出以下输出:

  There's no appointment with this title!
  There's no appointment with this title!
  Please give the new data:
  Please give the date of the appointment!
  Year (format YYYY):


  1. 仅当用户给出的标题与 ArrayList 中的标题之一匹配时才给出扫描仪方法,
  2. 当用户输入的标题与 ArrayList 中的任何标题都不匹配时,只给出一个“此标题没有约会”?


标签: javafor-loopif-statementarraylist




System.out.println("Please enter the appointment that you wish to edit: ");
String choicetitle = scan.next();
Appointment found = null;
for (Appointment value : aplist)
    // if the title of the Appointment matches with one of the data, then..
    if (choicetitle.equalsIgnoreCase(value.title))
        found = value;
if (value == null) {
    System.out.println("There's no appointment with this title!");
else {
    System.out.println("Please give the new data: \n");
    System.out.println("Please give the date of the appointment! \n" +
                "Year (format YYYY): ");
    year = scan.nextInt(); // no need to create a separate `Scanner`
    // rest of your processing code

或者,您可以使用流 API,尽管我认为您还没有了解这一点。下面的代码显示了如何使用流 API搜索特定约会。

      .filter(value -> choicetitle.equalsIgnoreCase(value.title))
