首页 > 解决方案 > Fancytree - 组合扩展 dnd5 多编辑


我知道我在这个例子中结合了很多扩展,这可能是我的问题,但我想知道 dnd5、multi 和 edit 的 fancytree 中的特定交互。我发现当我最初加载我的页面时,我可以毫无问题地拖放多个节点(使用 shift 或 control)。但是,如果我编辑节点的名称,我将失去拖放多个节点的能力。只有单个节点会 dnd。编辑后有没有办法维护多节点dnd?

    source: {
        url: 'mysource.php',
        cache: false
    activate: function(event, data) {
    aria: true,
    debugLevel: 4,
    extensions: ["dnd5", "edit", "filter","multi","table","ariagrid"],
    dnd5: {
        preventVoidMoves: true, // Prevent moving nodes 'before self', etc.
        preventRecursion: true, // Prevent dropping nodes on own descendants
        preventSameParent: false, // Prevent dropping nodes under the same direct parent
        autoExpandMS: 1000,
        multiSource: true,  // drag all selected nodes (plus current node)
        // focusOnClick: true,
        // refreshPositions: true,
        dragStart: function(node, data) {
            // allow dragging `node`:
            data.effectAllowed = "all";
            data.dropEffect = data.dropEffectSuggested;  //"link";
            // data.dropEffect = "move";
            return true;
        dragEnter: function(node, data) {
            data.node.info("dragEnter", data);
            // prevent dragging to a node (only allow dragging into folder)
            if(node.isFolder() && !data.otherNode.isFolder()){
                return true;
            } else
                return 'before';
        dragOver: function(node, data) {
            data.dropEffect = data.dropEffectSuggested;  //"link";
            return true;
        dragEnd: function(node, data) {
            data.node.info("dragEnd", data);
        dragDrop: function(node, data) {
            // This function MUST be defined to enable dropping of items on the tree.

            var sourceNodes = data.otherNodeList,
                copyMode = data.dropEffect !== "move";

            if( data.hitMode === "after" ){
                // If node are inserted directly after tagrget node one-by-one,
                // this would reverse them. So we compensate:
            $.each(sourceNodes, function(i, o){
                if (o.folder !== true) // only move files, not folders
                    o.info("move to " + node + ": " + data.hitMode);
                    o.moveTo(node, data.hitMode);

                    /* code removed - process and save */

            node.debug("drop", data);
            if (node.isFolder() && (node.getLevel() !== 1))
            else if (node.parent.folder)
            else // must be dragging to the root level
                var rootNode = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#treegrid").getRootNode();
    edit: {
        triggerStart: ["dblclick", "f2", "mac+enter"],
        adjustWidthOfs: 100,
        inputCss: { minWidth: "5em" },
        beforeEdit: function(event, data){
            // Return false to prevent edit mode
        edit: function(event, data){
            // Editor was opened (available as data.input)
        beforeClose: function(event, data){
            // Return false to prevent cancel/save (data.input is available)
            console.log(event.type, event, data);
            if( data.originalEvent.type === "mousedown" ) {
                // We could prevent the mouse click from generating a blur event
                // (which would then again close the editor) and return `false` to keep
                // the editor open:
//                  data.originalEvent.preventDefault();
//                  return false;
                // Or go on with closing the editor, but discard any changes:
//                  data.save = false;
        save: function(event, data){
            // Save data.input.val() or return false to keep editor open
            console.log("save...", this, data);
            // code removed send ajax update
            return true;
        close: function(event, data){
            // Editor was removed
            if( data.save ) {
                // Since we started an async request, mark the node as preliminary
            data.node.setSelected(false);   // de-selects current node after saving, this was persisting for some reason
            data.node.parent.sortChildren(cmp, true);

    filter: {
        autoApply: true,   // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded
        autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered
        counter: true,     // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons
        fuzzy: false,      // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar'
        hideExpandedCounter: true,  // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded
        hideExpanders: false,       // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter
        highlight: true,   // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags
        leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only
        nodata: true,      // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty
        mode: "hide"       // "dimm" Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead)
    table: {
        checkboxColumnIdx: 3,  // render the checkboxes into the 4th column
        nodeColumnIdx: 0       // render the node title into the 1st column
    ariagrid: {
        cellFocus: $( "#optionsForm [name=cellFocus]" ).find( ":selected" ).val(),
        label: "Fancytree ARIA sample"
    defaultGridAction: function( event, data ) {
        // Called when ENTER is pressed in cell-mode.
        // Return false to prevent default
        data.node.debug(event.type, data);
        if( !data.activeTd ) {
            alert( "Custom default action for row: " + data.node.title );
            // we don't return false, so default action is applied:
        } else if ( data.colIdx === 4 ) {
            // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
            alert( "Custom default action: " + data.node.title );
            return false;
    /* This code makes links in the file tree work */
    click: function(event, data){
        var node = data.node,
            orgEvent = data.originalEvent;
        var targetType = data.targetType;

        if(node.data.href && targetType == 'icon'){
            window.open(node.data.href, (orgEvent.ctrlKey || orgEvent.metaKey) ? "_blank" /*node.data.target*/ : node.data.target);

    icon: function(event, data) {
        if( data.node.isFolder() ) { return "custom-1"; }
    renderColumns: function( event, data ) {
        //code removed

标签: javascriptfancytree

