首页 > 解决方案 > 修复脚本以允许扫描每一行的所有字段以查找该字段是否包含目标文件夹名称



由于输入的 csv 文件不一致,我不能以这种方式使用它。要移动到的文件夹并不总是在同一列中,因此任何尝试将其用作输入的代码都会遇到值与我要移动到的文件夹不对应的问题。它只是在需要文件夹名称的地方读取垃圾(“垃圾邮件”)。唯一的方法是检查每一行的所有字段,以查找该字段是否包含您可以使用的目标文件夹名称。这意味着很多测试路径行


Foreach ($fileName in $_.Group.FileName) {
       $ValidFileName = $filename -replace $invalid
       $targetFile = Join-Path -Path $TargetFolder -ChildPath $fileName

当我遍历 FileName 列时,错误明确告诉它移动这些文件夹。Foreach ($fileName in $_.Group.FileName) {.. 这是阅读:(1959 10) Showcase Presents n 22,(1959 12) Showcase Presents n 23,alfa, da definire.


$csvpath = 'C:\temp\temp.csv'
$invalid = "[{0}]" -f [RegEx]::Escape(([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''))
$sourcePath = 'C:\temp\'

Import-Csv C:\temp\temp.csv -Header Title,FileName,Link -Delimiter ';' | 
  Group-Object Title | 
  Foreach {

    # I prefer to add a trailing slash to folder names
    $TargetFolder = Join-Path -Path $sourcePath -ChildPath (($_.Name -replace $invalid)+'\')

    # We don't have to create the new folders, because -Force will create them for us
    Foreach ($fileName in $_.Group.FileName) {
       $ValidFileName = $filename -replace $invalid
       $targetFile = Join-Path -Path $TargetFolder -ChildPath $fileName

      # Write your values to the console - Make sure the folder is what it should be
      Write-Output "Moving '$targetFile' to '$TargetFolder'"
      Move-Item $targetFile $TargetFolder -Force -WhatIf

标签: powershell


我什至不愿对此发表评论,因为您只是没有接受我们对所有先前帖子的任何建议,而只是重复我们在新问题中所说的话。我们在这里帮助您编写代码,而不是为您编写代码,但是,学习不是犯罪,所以我假设您通常只是不熟悉 powershell。

$csvpath = 'C:\tomp\temp.csv'
#$invalid = "[{0}]" -f [RegEx]::Escape(([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''))
$sourcePath = 'C:\tomp\'

Import-Csv $csvpath -Header Title,FileName,Link -Delimiter ',' | 
  Group-Object Title | 
  ForEach-Object `
    -Begin {

    $FoldersLocation = Get-ChildItem -Path C:\tomp -Directory 
    $Source_Folder   = ($FoldersLocation.Parent.FullName | Select-Object -Unique) 

    #Create array list to hold both columns
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CombinedRows = @()

    } `
    -Process {

        # Create folder if it doesn't exist
        $Destination = Join-Path -Path $Source_Folder -ChildPath $_.Name
            if ((Test-Path -Path $Destination) -eq $false) { 

                "Created:  $Destination"

                #$null = New-Item -Path ($FoldersLocation.Parent.FullName | Select -Unique) -Name $_.Name -ItemType Directory


        #region Combine two columns
        Foreach ($fileName in $_.Group.FileName) {
            $null = $CombinedRows.Add($fileName)

        Foreach ($link in $_.Group.Link) {
            $null = $CombinedRows.Add($link)

    } `
    -End {

        Foreach ($name in $FoldersLocation) {

            if ($name.Name -in $CombinedRows) {
                if ($name.Name -match "Showcase"){

                    # No need for output when supplying the -verbose switch
                    "Moving: '$($Name.FullName)' to 'C:\tomp\Lanterna Verde - Le Prime Storie'"
                    # Move-Item -Path $Name.FullName -Destination "C:\tomp\Lanterna Verde - Le Prime Storie" 

                else {

                    # No need for output when supplying the -verbose switch
                     "Moving: '$($Name.FullName)]' to 'C:\tomp\Batman DC'" 

                    # Move-Item -Path $Name.FullName -Destination "C:\tomp\Batman DC" 





我建议阅读一些 powershell,而不是希望其他人可以为你做所有事情。
