首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么我的 python 代码的运行时间这么长,我该怎么做才能让它运行得更快?


我刚刚为我的论文写了一些 python 代码。由于某种原因,计算最终值需要花费大量时间。经过仔细检查,它与代码中的 Sk 数组有关,但对我来说,这似乎不是一个特别昂贵的计算。有人可以解释一下我在编码问题方面做错了什么,我可以做些什么来获得相同的数字结果,同时减少我的运行时间?我附上了下面的代码。

#Finding Optimal Values For Helix
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym
from sympy.abc import  L

#Initalization of variables
omega_list = []
Rd = 1 #Inner Radius
td = 1 #Thickness Radius
h = 1 #height
l = 1 # Length
lamb = 2*sym.pi*h #Wavelength
mu = 1 #Don't touch Viscosity
q = 0.09*lamb #Don't touch
tau = sym.Matrix([[0],[0],[1]])
x = np.linspace(0.001, 10, num = 5 )

#For Loop For Optimization
for h in x:
#     print(i)
    #Distance to center of Mass
    r1 =  Rd*sym.cos(sym.abc.s)-(6*h**2*Rd)/(3*Rd**2+4*sym.pi**2*h**2)
    r2 = Rd*sym.sin(sym.abc.s)+(6*h**2*Rd)/(3*Rd**2+4*sym.pi**2*h**2)
    r3 = h*sym.abc.s-(3*sym.pi*h**2*Rd**2+6*sym.pi*h**2)/(3*Rd**2+4*sym.pi**2*h**2)
    #Frenet Frame Components
    t = np.array([[-Rd*sym.sin(sym.abc.s)],
    n = np.array([[-Rd*sym.cos(sym.abc.s)],
    b = np.array([[sym.sin(sym.abc.s)],
    #Skew Matrix
    Sk = np.array([[0, -r3, r2],
                [r3, 0, -r1],
                [-r2, r1, 0]])

    #Frenet Frame Assembly
    R = np.hstack((t,n,b))

    #Drag Matrix
    C = np.array([[l*(2*sym.pi*mu)/sym.log(2*q/td), 0, 0],
                [0,l*(4*sym.pi*mu)/sym.log(2*q/(td+0.5)) , 0],
                [0, 0, l*(4*sym.pi*mu)/sym.log(2*q/td)]])
    #Ressistance Matrix Assembly
    R11 = -1*R@C@R.transpose()
    R12 = R@C@R.transpose()@Sk
    R21 = -1*Sk@R@C@R.transpose()
    R22 = Sk@R@C@R.transpose()@Sk
    R11 = sym.Matrix([R11[0,:], R11[1,:], R11[2,:]])
    R12 = sym.Matrix([R12[0,:], R12[1,:], R12[2,:]])
    R21 = sym.Matrix([R21[0,:], R21[1,:], R21[2,:]])
    R22 = sym.Matrix([R22[0,:], R22[1,:], R22[2,:]])
    #Integration of Ressistance
    R11 = R11.integrate((sym.abc.s, 0, 2*sym.pi))
    R12 = R12.integrate((sym.abc.s, 0, 2*sym.pi))
    R21 = R21.integrate((sym.abc.s, 0, 2*sym.pi))
    R22 = R22.integrate((sym.abc.s, 0, 2*sym.pi))
    #Move Around to Isolate the Angular Velocity Omega
    ROmega = -1*R21@Sk+R22
    Omega = ROmega.inv()@tau
    Omega_final = (Omega[0,0]**2+Omega[1,0]**2+Omega[2,0]**2)
    print('all good')
    #Find the Velocity

#Plot the Graphs
print("Omega:", omega_list)

#plt.plot([x], [omega_final])
for i in omega_list:
    plt.plot(x, omega_list)

标签: pythonperformancesympynumericmodeling


我不确定这是否是故意的,但您的代码基本上计算了一些矩阵乘法作为 s 的函数。R21 和 R22 不是 s 的函数。而 omega 是 s 与 R21 和 R22 的函数的乘积。我假设您正在尝试将 omega 绘制为 s 的函数。

正如@hpaulj 所说,如果您对速度计算不感兴趣,则可能没有必要使用 SymPy。这是一个纯数字版本。我的回答很糟糕,但很快。我相信有人可以轻松地出现并使其更具可读性。

# Finding Optimal Values For Helix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad

# Initalization of variables
omega_list = []
Rd = 1  # Inner Radius
td = 1  # Thickness Radius
h = 1  # height
l = 1  # Length
lamb = 2 * np.pi * h  # Wavelength
mu = 1  # Don't touch Viscosity
q = 0.09 * lamb  # Don't touch
tau = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])

x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=5)
x[0] += 1/1000

# For Loop For Optimization
for h in x:
    print(f"Beginning loop where h={h}")

    # Distance to center of Mass
    r1 = lambda s: Rd * np.cos(s) - (6 * h ** 2 * Rd) / (3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * np.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)
    r2 = lambda s: Rd * np.sin(s) + (6 * h ** 2 * Rd) / (3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * np.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)
    r3 = lambda s: h * s - (3 * np.pi * h ** 2 * Rd ** 2 + 6 * np.pi * h ** 2) / (
            3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * np.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)

    # Frenet Frame Components
    t = lambda s: np.array([[-Rd * np.sin(s)],
                  [Rd * np.cos(s)],
                  [h]]) / np.sqrt(Rd ** 2 + h ** 2)
    n = lambda s: np.array([[-Rd * np.cos(s)],
                  [-Rd * np.sin(s)],
    b = lambda s: np.array([[np.sin(s)],
                  [Rd / h]]) / np.sqrt(Rd ** 2 + h ** 2) * h

    # Skew Matrix
    Sk = lambda s: np.array([[0, -r3(s), r2(s)],
                   [r3(s), 0, -r1(s)],
                   [-r2(s), r1(s), 0]])

    # Frenet Frame Assembly
    R = lambda s: np.hstack((t(s), n(s), b(s)))

    # Drag Matrix
    C = lambda s: np.array([[l * (2 * np.pi * mu) / np.log(2 * q / td), 0, 0],
                  [0, l * (4 * np.pi * mu) / np.log(2 * q / (td + 1/2)), 0],
                  [0, 0, l * (4 * np.pi * mu) / np.log(2 * q / td)]])

    # Ressistance Matrix Assembly
    R21 = lambda s: -1 * Sk(s) @ R(s) @ C(s) @ R(s).transpose()
    R22 = lambda s: Sk(s) @ R(s) @ C(s) @ R(s).transpose() @ Sk(s)

    # Integration of Resistance
    R21 = np.array([[quad(lambda s: R21(s)[i, j], 0, 2*np.pi)[0] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)])
    R22 = np.array([[quad(lambda s: R22(s)[i, j], 0, 2*np.pi)[0] for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)])
    print("Finished integration")

    # Move Around to Isolate the Angular Velocity Omega
    ROmega = lambda s: -1 * R21 @ Sk(s) + R22
    Omega = lambda s: np.linalg.inv(ROmega(s).astype(float)) @ tau
    Omega_final = lambda s: (Omega(s)[0, 0] ** 2 + Omega(s)[1, 0] ** 2 + Omega(s)[2, 0] ** 2)

    # Cannot find the Velocity as a function of s

    # Adding lambda functions to the array does not work
    lam = Omega_final
    x_vals = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)

# Plot the Graphs
for (i, omega) in enumerate(omega_list[0:1]):
    lam = omega
    x_vals = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
    plt.plot(x_vals, omega, label=f"h={x[i]}")

这将在约 1 秒内运行。


# Finding Optimal Values For Helix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sympy as sym
import numpy as np

# Initalization of variables
omega_list = []
Rd = 1  # Inner Radius
td = 1  # Thickness Radius
h = 1  # height
l = 1  # Length
lamb = 2 * sym.pi * h  # Wavelength
mu = 1  # Don't touch Viscosity
q = sym.Rational("0.09") * lamb  # Don't touch
tau = sym.Matrix([[0], [0], [1]])

x = list(range(0, 10, 2))
x[0] += sym.S(1)/1000

s = sym.symbols("s", real=True)

# For Loop For Optimization
# h took to long to invert the matrix if it was a symbol
for h in x:
    print(f"Beginning loop where h={h}")

    # Distance to center of Mass
    r1 = Rd * sym.cos(s) - (6 * h ** 2 * Rd) / (3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * sym.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)
    r2 = Rd * sym.sin(s) + (6 * h ** 2 * Rd) / (3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * sym.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)
    r3 = h * s - (3 * sym.pi * h ** 2 * Rd ** 2 + 6 * sym.pi * h ** 2) / (
            3 * Rd ** 2 + 4 * sym.pi ** 2 * h ** 2)

    # Frenet Frame Components
    t = sym.Matrix([[-Rd * sym.sin(s)],
                  [Rd * sym.cos(s)],
                  [h]]) / sym.sqrt(Rd ** 2 + h ** 2)
    n = sym.Matrix([[-Rd * sym.cos(s)],
                  [-Rd * sym.sin(s)],
    b = sym.Matrix([[sym.sin(s)],
                  [Rd / h]]) / sym.sqrt(Rd ** 2 + h ** 2) * h

    # Skew Matrix
    Sk = sym.Matrix([[0, -r3, r2],
                   [r3, 0, -r1],
                   [-r2, r1, 0]])
    Sk = sym.simplify(Sk)

    # Frenet Frame Assembly
    # R = np.hstack((t, n, b))
    R = t.row_join(n).row_join(b)
    R = sym.simplify(R)

    # Drag Matrix
    C = sym.Matrix([[l * (2 * sym.pi * mu) / sym.log(2 * q / td), 0, 0],
                  [0, l * (4 * sym.pi * mu) / sym.log(2 * q / (td + sym.S(1)/2)), 0],
                  [0, 0, l * (4 * sym.pi * mu) / sym.log(2 * q / td)]])
    C = sym.simplify(C)

    # Ressistance Matrix Assembly
    R21 = -1 * sym.expand(sym.expand(Sk @ R) @ C) @ R.transpose()
    R21 = sym.expand(R21).evalf()
    R22 = sym.expand(sym.expand(sym.expand(Sk @ R) @ C) @ R.transpose()) @ Sk
    R22 = sym.expand(R22).evalf()

    # Integration of Resistance
    R21 = sym.integrate(R21, (s, 0, 2 * sym.pi))
    R22 = sym.integrate(R22, (s, 0, 2 * sym.pi))
    print("Finished integration")

    # Move Around to Isolate the Angular Velocity Omega
    ROmega = -1 * sym.expand(R21 @ Sk) + R22
    ROmega = sym.expand(ROmega).evalf()
    print(f"ROmega = {ROmega}")
    Omega = ROmega.inv() @ tau
    print(f"Omega = {Omega}")
    Omega_final = (Omega[0, 0] ** 2 + Omega[1, 0] ** 2 + Omega[2, 0] ** 2).evalf()
    print(f"Omega_final = {Omega_final}")

    # Find the Velocity
    print(f"Sk @ Omega = {sym.expand(Sk @ Omega)}")

# Omega list is massive
print(f"omega_list = {omega_list}")

# Plot the Graphs
for (i, omega) in enumerate(omega_list):
    lam = sym.lambdify((s,), omega)
    s_vals = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
    plt.plot(s_vals, lam(s_vals), label=f"h={x[i]}")

