首页 > 解决方案 > R2DBC - IllegalArgumentException:无法编码 java.util.Date 类型的参数


我正在使用 R2DBC MySQL 学习 Reative jdbc。我有一个这样的存储库:

public interface VerificationTokenRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<VerificationToken,Long> {

VerificationToken 类如下所示:

public class VerificationToken {

private final Long id;

private final String code;

private final Date validUntil;

private boolean used;

private Long userId;

private Long verificationTokenType;


create table verification_token (
    id int unsigned not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
    code varchar(36) not null,
    valid_until datetime not null,
    used boolean not null,
    verification_token_type_id int unsigned not null,
    user_id int unsigned,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    constraint verification_token_type_fk FOREIGN KEY (verification_token_type_id) REFERENCES verification_token_type(id),
    CONSTRAINT user_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(id)


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot encode parameter of type java.util.Date
    at io.r2dbc.h2.codecs.DefaultCodecs.encode(DefaultCodecs.java:73)
    Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException: 
Error has been observed at the following site(s):
    |_ checkpoint ⇢ SQL "INSERT INTO verification_token (code, valid_until, used, user_id, verification_token_type) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)" [DatabaseClient]
Stack trace:

POM 文件

    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->

    <!-- For testing possibility -->


如何使用 R2DBC 存储日期?或者如果 R2DBV 支持它?

标签: spring-webfluxspring-data-r2dbcr2dbcr2dbc-mysql


而不是 Date 使用 Instant from import java.time.Instant 包。
