首页 > 解决方案 > numpy - 2D 和 3D 数组中的有效值计数


我正在为小组游戏编写一个调度程序。我的时间表适用于 32-4-8(32 名球员,每组 4 名球员,8 轮),没有重复的伙伴或对手。但是,由于场地限制,每轮只能有 28 名选手/7 组参赛。所以我必须修改赛程,让每个球员有 7 场比赛,1 次轮空,尽可能少的重复搭档或对手。

import numpy as np

sched = np.array([
      [[ 3, 28, 17, 14],
        [23, 30, 22,  1],
        [ 2,  5, 27, 25],
        [20,  8, 10, 16],
        [ 0, 24, 26, 11],
        [ 4, 21, 31,  7],
        [19,  6, 29, 15],
        [13, 18, 12,  9]],

       [[20, 15, 24, 31],
        [ 3, 21, 16, 13],
        [ 6, 30,  4,  5],
        [28,  8,  0,  7],
        [25, 29, 17, 23],
        [14,  9,  2, 22],
        [27, 12,  1, 11],
        [26, 10, 19, 18]],

       [[10,  4, 23, 12],
        [ 9, 28, 25, 31],
        [ 5, 13, 22,  8],
        [15,  7, 30,  2],
        [16, 19, 11, 14],
        [18, 17, 24,  6],
        [21,  0, 27, 20],
        [ 3, 26, 29,  1]],

       [[18, 20, 28,  1],
        [ 8,  9,  3,  4],
        [12, 17, 31,  5],
        [13, 30, 27, 14],
        [19, 25, 24,  7],
        [ 2,  6, 21, 26],
        [10, 11, 29, 22],
        [15, 23,  0, 16]],

       [[22, 21, 25, 15],
        [26, 12, 20, 14],
        [28,  5, 24, 10],
        [11,  6, 31, 13],
        [23, 27,  7,  3],
        [ 0, 19,  9,  1],
        [18, 30,  8, 29],
        [16, 17,  2,  4]],

       [[29, 28, 12, 21],
        [ 9, 16, 27,  6],
        [19, 17, 20, 30],
        [ 2,  8, 24, 23],
        [ 5, 11, 18,  7],
        [26, 13, 25,  4],
        [ 1, 10, 15, 14],
        [ 0, 22, 31,  3]],

       [[31, 19, 27,  8],
        [20,  5, 29,  2],
        [24, 16, 22, 12],
        [25,  3, 10,  6],
        [17,  1,  7, 13],
        [ 4,  0, 14, 18],
        [23, 28, 26, 15],
        [11, 21,  9, 30]],

       [[31, 18,  1, 16],
        [23, 14, 21,  5],
        [ 8,  3, 11, 15],
        [26, 17,  9, 10],
        [30, 12, 25,  0],
        [22, 20,  7,  6],
        [27,  4, 29, 24],
        [13, 19, 28,  2]]

为了确定最好的轮空选择,我从每一轮比赛中随机选择了一场比赛作为轮空。然后,我为每个轮空选择分配一个分数,以最大限度地增加只有 1 个轮空的球员数量,以最大限度地减少对赛程的必要更改。

def bincount2d(arr, bins=None):
    if bins is None:
        bins = np.max(arr) + 1
    count = np.zeros(shape=[len(arr), bins], dtype=np.int64)
    indexing = np.arange(len(arr))
    for col in arr.T:
        count[indexing, col] += 1
    return count

# randomly sample one game per round as byes
# repeat n times (here 10000)
times = 10000
idx1 = np.tile(np.arange(sched.shape[0]), times)
idx2 = np.random.randint(sched.shape[1], size=sched.shape[0] * times)
population_byes = sched[idx1, idx2].reshape(times, sched.shape[1], sched.shape[2])

# get player counts for byes
# can reshape because interested in # of byes for entire schedule
# so no need to segment players by rounds for these counts
count_shape = (population_byes.shape[0], population_byes.shape[1] * population_byes.shape[2])
counts = bincount2d(population_byes.reshape(count_shape))

# fitness is the number of players with one bye
# the higher the value, the less we need to do to mess with the schedule
fitness = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: (x == 1).sum(), 1, counts)
byes = population_byes[np.argmax(fitness)]


(1)有没有一种有效的方法来解释没有计数的值(我知道索引应该从 0 到 31)?bincount2d 没有该范围内缺失值的值。

(2) 是否有比 np.apply_along_axis 线矢量化/更有效的方法来获得等于 1 的元素计数?

(3) 最终,我想做的是让应用程序更改时间表,通过交换球员任务让每个人都再见。如何交换 3D 数组中的元素?

标签: pythonperformancenumpy


(1)有没有一种有效的方法来解释没有计数的值(我知道索引应该从 0 到 31)?bincount2d 没有该范围内缺失值的值。

bincount2d效率低下,因为它执行低效的内存访问。事实上,转置是一项昂贵的操作,尤其是当它像 Numpy 那样懒惰地完成时。此外,循环也效率不高,因为它适用于具有随机内存访问的相当大的数组,这对CPU 缓存不利。话虽如此,Numpy 并不适合这种计算。可以使用Numba高效地执行操作:

import numba as nb

# You may need to tune the types on your machines
# Alternatively, you can use cache=True instead and let Numba find the types (which is slower the fist time)
@nb.njit('int64[:,::1](int64[:,::1], optional(int64))')
def bincount2d_fast(arr, bins=None):
    if bins is None:
        nbins = np.max(arr) + 1
        nbins = np.int64(bins)
    count = np.zeros((arr.shape[0], nbins), dtype=np.int64)
    for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
        for j in range(arr.shape[1]):
            count[i, arr[i, j]] += 1
    return count

bincount2d上面的代码比我机器上的原始函数快 10 倍。

(2) 是否有比 np.apply_along_axis 线矢量化/更有效的方法来获得等于 1 的元素计数?


fitness = (counts == 1).sum(axis=1)
byes = population_byes[np.argmax(fitness)]

This is roughly 30 times faster on my machine.

> (3) Ultimately, what I would like to do is have the application change the schedule to give everyone a bye by swapping player assignments. How do you swap elements in a 3D array?

A straightforward solution is to use Numba again with plain loops. Another solution could be to save the value to swap in a temporary array and use an indirect access regarding your exact needs (like what @WholeBrain proposed). Something like:

# all_x1, all_y1, etc. are 1D Numpy arrays containing coordinates of the items to swap
arr[all_x2, all_y2], arr[all_x1, all_y1] = arr[all_x1, all_y1], arr[all_x2, all_y2]
