首页 > 解决方案 > Python:从 XPath 获取元素值


我对 xpaths 和网络抓取真的很陌生,所以如果这是一个相对较小的问题,我很抱歉。我正在尝试抓取多个网站,以确保更新数据库中的数据。我能够获取部分字符串的 xPath,但不确定如何使用 xPath 获取完整值。


def xpath_soup(element):
    components = []
    child = element if element.name else element.parent
    for parent in child.parents:

        previous = itertools.islice(parent.children, 0,parent.contents.index(child))
        xpath_tag = child.name
        xpath_index = sum(1 for i in previous if i.name == xpath_tag) + 1
        components.append(xpath_tag if xpath_index == 1 else '%s[%d]' % (xpath_tag, xpath_index))
        child = parent
    return '/%s' % '/'.join(components)

page = requests.get("https://www.gaumard.com/obstetricmr")
html = str(BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser'))
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
elem = soup.find(string=re.compile('xt-generation mixed reality training solution for VICTORIA® S2200 designed to help learners bridge the gap between theory and practice'))
xPathValue = xpath_soup(elem)


预期结果将是完整版 xt-generation mixed reality training solution for VICTORIA® S2200 designed to help learners bridge the gap between theory and practice


Obstetric MR™ is a next-generation mixed reality training solution for VICTORIA® S2200 designed to help learners bridge the gap between theory and practice faster than ever before. Using the latest technology in holographic visualization, Obstetric MR brings digital learning content into the physical simulation exercise, allowing participants to link knowledge and skill through an entirely new hands-on training experience. The future of labor and delivery simulation is here.


标签: pythonhtmlweb-scrapingxpathbeautifulsoup



import requests
from lxml import html

page = requests.get("https://www.gaumard.com/obstetricmr").text
text = html.fromstring(page).xpath('//*[@style="margin: 0 auto;"][2]/div/text()')


Obstetric MR™ is a next-generation mixed reality training solution for VICTORIA® S2200 designed to help learners bridge the gap between theory and practice faster than ever before. Using the latest technology in holographic visualization, Obstetric MR brings digital learning content into the physical simulation exercise, allowing participants to link knowledge and skill through an entirely new hands-on training experience. The future of labor and delivery simulation is here.
