首页 > 解决方案 > 使两个文本区域同步水平滚动



  //Java Script Code
  var headbox = document.getElementById('head_text_area');
  var bodybox = document.getElementById('main_text_area');
  bodybox.addEventListener('scroll', select_scroll, false);

  function select_scroll(e) {
    headbox.scrollLeft  = bodybox.scrollLeft;        
/*CSS style*/
#main_text_area, #head_text_area{
  resize: none;  
  white-space: nowrap; /*All the text user types without pressing an enter should be in one line*/
  width: 100%;

#head_text_area::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;/*First text box should not show a scroll bar*/
<textarea rows="6" id="head_text_area" width="100%" disabled>
This line is longer than the line in the second text area. At the start of the website, I won't be able to scroll to the right to see all the text in this area. Unless I put more texts on the bottom text area box. 
More text might be here. The horizontal scroll bar of this section is hidden.   

  <textarea id="main_text_area" rows="6" width="100%"> 
This box isn't as long as the other text area. Therefore, scroll bar in this is short. This limits the viewable area of first box. 

标签: javascripthtmlcss




function select_scroll(e) {
    let percent = bodybox.scrollLeft / (bodybox.scrollWidth - bodybox.clientWidth);
    headbox.scrollLeft =  (headbox.scrollWidth - headbox.clientWidth)* percent;
