首页 > 解决方案 > postgres查询效率问题及变量声明


我对sql不是很熟悉。因此,我创建了一个查询,该查询生成包含特定信息的数据条目与在某一天创建的所有条目相比的百分比值。完成大约需要 20 秒,我认为这不正常,所以我认为我做得很糟糕。


SELECT Round((Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric)-(Select Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric) From public.scan where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29' 
and (code isnull or length(CAST(code AS TEXT)) < 9)))*100/Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric), 2) as all,
(SELECT Round((Select Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric) From public.scan where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29' 
and length(CAST(code AS TEXT)) = 12)*100/Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric), 2)) as bbb,
(SELECT Round((Select Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric) From public.scan where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29'
and length(CAST(barcode AS TEXT)) = 9)*100/Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric), 2)) as ccc,
(SELECT Round((Select Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric) From public.scan where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29' 
and length(CAST(barcode AS TEXT)) > 12)*100/Cast(Count(scanid) as numeric), 2)) as ddd
FROM public.scan where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29'

标签: sqlpostgresql


您的 SQL 相当混乱,但如果我正确理解了您的问题,那么您正在寻找的是根据code特定日期的字符串长度计算扫描百分比。如果是这样,我重新创建了您的示例

create table scan (code varchar, scanid int, scantimestamp timestamp);
insert into scan values ('1234567891',1,'2021-06-28 10:00:00');
insert into scan values ('12345678912345',1,'2021-06-28 09:00:00');
insert into scan values ('1234567891234561',2,'2021-06-28 15:00:00');
insert into scan values ('1234567',4,'2021-06-28 19:00:00');
insert into scan values ('123456789',3,'2021-06-28 19:00:00');
insert into scan values ('12345678',3,'2021-06-29 17:00:00');
insert into scan values ('12345679999999',5,'2021-06-30 20:00:00');


select *,
from public.scan 
order by scantimestamp;


       code       | scanid |    scantimestamp    | length 
 12345678912345   |      1 | 2021-06-28 09:00:00 |     14
 1234567891       |      1 | 2021-06-28 10:00:00 |     10
 1234567891234561 |      2 | 2021-06-28 15:00:00 |     16
 1234567          |      4 | 2021-06-28 19:00:00 |      7
 123456789        |      3 | 2021-06-28 19:00:00 |      9
 12345678         |      3 | 2021-06-29 17:00:00 |      8
 12345679999999   |      5 | 2021-06-30 20:00:00 |     14
(7 rows)


    count(case when code isnull or length(code) < 9 then scanid end) *100.0 / count(scanid) as all,
    count(case when length(code) = 12 then scanid end)* 100.0 / count(scanid) as bbb,
    count(case when length(code) = 9 then scanid end) * 100.0 / count(scanid) as ccc,
    count(case when length(code) > 12 then scanid end)* 100.0 / count(scanid) as ddd
from public.scan 
where scantimestamp > '2021-06-28' and scantimestamp < '2021-06-29';


         all         |          bbb           |         ccc         |         ddd         
 20.0000000000000000 | 0.00000000000000000000 | 20.0000000000000000 | 40.0000000000000000
(1 row)



    count(case when code isnull or length(code) < 9 then scanid end) *100.0 / count(scanid) as all,
    count(case when length(code) = 12 then scanid end)* 100.0 / count(scanid) as bbb,
    count(case when length(code) = 9 then scanid end) * 100.0 / count(scanid) as ccc,
    count(case when length(code) > 12 then scanid end)* 100.0 / count(scanid) as ddd
from public.scan 
where scantimestamp > CURRENT_DATE -2 and  scantimestamp < CURRENT_DATE -1;
