首页 > 解决方案 > 从 R 中的列中搜索单词/短语



> head(df)
  ID                                                 Comment
1  1                                            I ate dinner.
2  2                              We had a three-course meal.
3  3                             Brad came to dinner with us.
4  4                                     He loves fish tacos.
5  5  In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. Code 5.16
6  6   We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening.72 points.

我想创建两个新列,一个称为A,一个称为B。如果出现以下任何单词/短语,我希望 A 列等于 1:如果出现以下任何单词/短语,我dinner,evening,we ate 希望 B 列等于 1:.in the end,all,Brad,5.16


标签: rnlptm


我们可以用greplbase R

df$A <- +(grepl("\\b(dinner|evening|we|ate)\\b", df$Comment))
df$B <- +(grepl("\\b(in the end|all|Brad|5\\.16)\\b", df$Comment))


  ID                                                 Comment A B
1  1                                           I ate dinner. 1 0
2  2                             We had a three-course meal. 0 0
3  3                            Brad came to dinner with us. 1 1
4  4                                    He loves fish tacos. 0 0
5  5 In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. Code 5.16 1 1
6  6  We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening.72 points. 1 1


v1 <- c("dinner", "evening", "we", "ate")
v2 <- c("in the end", "all", "Brad", "5.16")
pat1 <- paste0("\\b(", paste(v1, collapse = "|"), ")\\b")
pat2 <- paste0("\\b(", paste(v2, collapse = "|"), ")\\b")
df$A <- +(grepl(pat1, df$Comment))
df$B <- +(grepl(pat2, df$Comment))


df <- structure(list(ID = 1:6, Comment = c("I ate dinner.", "We had a three-course meal.", 
"Brad came to dinner with us.", "He loves fish tacos.", "In the end, we all felt like we ate too much. Code 5.16", 
"We all agreed; it was a magnificent evening.72 points.")),
 class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6"))
