首页 > 解决方案 > Microsoft Dynamics API - Incident returned fields


I'm trying to make a get call to our Dynamics CRM via the API for the entity "Incident". It returns a lot of fields if I request a specific incident record but a particular custom boolean field which is present on all incident records is not. This is a pain as this is the specific field I need to filter on to get the records I want. I can see other custom fields are returned in the api call but I just can't figure out how it's decided which fields are exposed and which aren't. Any help would be much appreciated.

For context, I'm writing a small application which will pull all records for the current date where this particular boolean = true and then format details from each return record into an email template.

标签: dynamics-crmmicrosoft-dynamicsdynamics-crm-webapi


要在结果集中包含有问题的字段,请尝试添加$select=title,apitil_customfieldweb api 查询。

https://our_dynamics_uri.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/incidents?$select=title,apitil_customfield,createdon,createdby&$filter=apitil_uniqueid eq 'ZZZ-12345'
