首页 > 解决方案 > 脚本在主页上工作但不在模式中


我为我们的 Shopify 商店编写了一个脚本来显示预计的交货日期。我在我们的产品页面上工作得很好,但我们也有一个“快速商店”的模式,脚本似乎不适用于快速商店。


    <div>Est Delivery: <img class="delivery-icon" src="{{ 'delivery-truck.svg' | asset_url }}"> <strong><span id="fromDate">{{ '//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/datejs/1.0/date.min.js' | script_tag }}</span></strong></div>

  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', getIP);
  function getIP() {
    .then( res => res.json())
    .then(response => {
      var daysOut = findShipDate(response);
      //If we return a province value
      if( daysOut >= 1 ) {
        var dt = new Date();
        var time = dt.getHours();
        //If its past 4pm est, +1 day to the shipping date
        if (time >= 16){
          var fromDate = Date.today().addDays(daysOut + 1)
          if (fromDate.is().saturday() || fromDate.is().sunday()) { 
            fromDate = fromDate.next().monday();
          document.getElementById('fromDate').innerHTML = fromDate.toString('dddd MMMM dS');
        //Else calculate shipping
          var fromDate = Date.today().addDays(daysOut + 1)
          if (fromDate.is().saturday() || fromDate.is().sunday()) { 
            fromDate = fromDate.next().monday();
          document.getElementById('fromDate').innerHTML = fromDate.toString('dddd MMMM dS');
      //Else N/A
      else {
          document.getElementById('fromDate').innerHTML = "N/A";
    .catch((data, status) => {
      console.log('Request failed');
      return "Request failed";

  function findShipDate(data) {
    var shipDays;
    if(data.country == "CA") {
      switch(data.region) {
        case "Ontario":
        case "Quebec":
          shipDays = 1;
        case "Alberta":
        case "British Columbia":
          shipDays = 2;
        case "Saskatchewan":
        case "Manitoba":
        case "Newfoundland":
        case "Prince Edward Island":
        case "Nova Scotia":
          shipDays = 3;
        case "Yukon":
        case "Northwest Territories":
        case "Nunavut":
          shipDays = 5;
      return shipDays;
    else {
      shipDays = 0;
      return shipDays;



{% assign enable_social_sharing = settings.product_social_sharing %}
{% assign selected_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}
{% assign compare_at_price = selected_variant.compare_at_price %}
{% assign price = selected_variant.price %}
{% assign sku = selected_variant.sku %}
{% assign product_available = product.available %}

{% assign hover_zoom = settings.quickshop_gallery_hover_zoom %}

  include 'api' with 'variant:price',
  product: product,
  variant: selected_variant,

{% assign on_sale = false %}
{% if compare_at_price > price %}
  {% assign on_sale = true %}
{% endif %}

{%- capture share_buttons -%}
  {% assign social_image = false %}
  {% if product.featured_image %}
    {% assign social_image = product.featured_image | img_url: '1024x' %}
  {% endif %}
  {% assign social_url = shop.url | append: product.url %}
    include 'share-buttons',
    snippet_title: 'general.share_buttons.title',
    social_image: social_image,
    social_title: product.title,
    social_url: social_url
{%- endcapture  -%}

<article class="
  custom-product--{{ product.handle }}
  {% for c in product.collections %}custom-collection--{{ c.handle }} {% endfor %}
  {% comment %}
    Product slideshow, never moves
  {% endcomment %}
    include 'product-gallery',
    is_product_modal: true,
    selected_variant: selected_variant,
    onboarding: false,
    aspect_ratio: settings.quickshop_gallery_aspect_ratio,
    thumbnail_position: settings.quickshop_gallery_thumbnail_position,
    image_crop: settings.quickshop_gallery_image_crop,
    click_to_zoom: 'disabled',
    hover_zoom: hover_zoom,
  <div class="product-main">
    <div class="product-details" data-product-details>
      <h2 class="product-title">
        <a href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}">{{ product.title }}</a>

      {% if settings.product_show_vendor and product.vendor != blank %}
        <div class="product-vendor">
          {%- capture vendor_link -%}
            {{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor }}
          {%- endcapture -%}
          {{ 'product.general.by_vendor_html' | t: vendor_link: vendor_link }}
      {% endif %}

      {% if settings.product_ratings_reviews %}
        <div class="product-ratings">
          {% render 'okendo-reviews-product-rating-summary', product: product %}
      {% endif %}

      <div class="product-pricing" aria-live="polite">
          include 'product-badge',
          class_root: 'product',
          product_available: product_available,
          on_sale: on_sale,
          price: price,
          compare_at_price: compare_at_price,
          show_saved: true

          include 'product-price',
          class_root: 'product',
          price: price,
          price_varies: false,
          compare_at_price: compare_at_price,
          compare_at_price_varies: false,
          on_sale: on_sale,
          emphasize_price: false,
          show_original: true

      {% if settings.product_show_sku == true %}
            {% if sku == empty %}product-sku--empty{% endif %}
          {{ 'product.general.sku_html' | t: sku: sku | strip_newlines }}
      {% endif %}

    {% comment %}
      Product form original location, will remain unless is 3 column layout
    {% endcomment %}
    {%- assign product_sold_out = false -%}
    {%- if settings.in_stock_notification_form != 'disabled' and product.available == false -%}
      {%- assign product_sold_out = true -%}
    {%- endif -%}
    <div class="product-form--regular" data-product-form-regular>
      <div {% if product_sold_out %}class="product-sold-out"{% endif %} data-product-form-area>
        <div data-product-quickshop-message class="product-message--container"></div>

          include 'product-form',
          product: product,
          selected_variant: selected_variant,
          is_product_modal: true,
        {%- if settings.in_stock_notification_form != 'disabled' -%}
            include 'product-in-stock-notification-form',
            product: product,
        {%- endif -%}
          href="{{ product.url | within: collection }}"
          {{ 'product.buttons.view_details' | t }}

    {% comment %}
      Product description field, never moves
    {% endcomment %}
    {% capture product_description %}{%- include 'shortcode-readmore', text: product.description, before_readmore: true -%}{% endcapture %}
    {% if product_description != blank %}
      <div class="product-description rte" data-product-description>{{ product_description }}</div>
    {% endif %}

    {% if enable_social_sharing %}
      {{ share_buttons | strip_newlines }}
    {% endif %}

我尝试将我的脚本包含在 product-quickshop.liquid 中,但无济于事。任何和所有的帮助表示赞赏。这里有一些图片供参考。



标签: javascriptfunctionshopifyliquid

