首页 > 解决方案 > seekbar/ progress bar: progress read with appium python client


I am new to the UI automation with beginner level in python. I am trying to automate Android application and using ui Automator , appium and python(PyCharm). I am able to read and write the values of different kinds of elements(button) successfully. I want to read vertical seekbar or progress bar progress. the bar will be filled with colour while progressing. It has got 5 blocks to represent 0 to 100%.

I am able to read the following parameters

  1. X,Y co ordinates
  2. height and width

I am not able to figure it out the command or property or function to read the progress of the seekbar/progress bar. Kindly help me to find the example/right source/ways to find the solution to my issue.

BR Geeta

标签: android-progressbarappium-androidandroid-uiautomatorandroid-seekbarpython-appium

