首页 > 解决方案 > 在矩阵中查找数组


给定an array and a 2d matrix.您必须查找矩阵中是否存在数组。为此,您可以从矩阵中的任何点开始并进入4 directions,如果您在,(i,j)您可以进入(i+1,j), (i-1,j), (i,j+1), (i,j-1)

如果数组存在,则返回索引的开始和结束对,否则返回 false。

假设给定的数组是[ 1, 10, 22, 47, 33, 10],矩阵如下所示..那么我们可以看到数组存在于矩阵中,起点和终点分别是:(2,2) and (3,4) [ 0-based indexing]


解决此问题的技术之一是从矩阵中的每个单元格运行 DFS 并检查数组是否存在,但该方法将是O(n^4)(因为在每个 DFS 运行中可能有 n^2 次迭代)。


标签: arraysmatrixgraphdynamic-programming



let print = console.log

print("Result:", contain([1, 10, 22, 47, 33, 10], [
    [1, 2, 3, 5, 8],
    [6, 5, 10, 22, 47],
    [20, 21, 1, 54, 33],
    [45, 8, 6, 5, 10]

function* findPoint(firstItem, matrix) {
    for (let y = 0; y < matrix.length; y++)
        for (let x = 0; x < matrix[y].length; x++)
            if (firstItem == matrix[y][x])
                yield [y, x]

function contain(path, matrix) {
    let startPoint = path.shift(), lastIndex = path.length - 1;
    main_loop: for (let [y, x] of findPoint(startPoint, matrix)) {
        print("find point:", startPoint, "coordinate:", [y, x]);
        loop: for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
            let point = path[i];
            // calculate sibling point: 
            for (let [_y, _x, dir] of [[y - 1, x, "up"], [y + 1, x, "down"], [y, x - 1, "left"], [y, x + 1, "right"]]) {
                // get item from matrix using point
                if (matrix[_y]?.[_x] != point) continue
                print("next point:", point, "Direction:", dir)
                if (lastIndex == i) return true
                y = _y, x = _x;
                // if sibling point matched, then update point and continue `root` loop
                continue loop;
            print('point:', point, `didn't matched any sibling`);
            continue main_loop;
    return false

