首页 > 解决方案 > Flutter Driver:一个接一个地运行标签或功能


我正在使用 flutter_driver 和 flutter_gherkin 包为我的应用程序编写测试。我写了一些功能。例如我有这两个特点:


Feature: LoginFeature
    Test User Login

Scenario: User does not exist
    Given I test the initial state of the app
    Then I see 'phone' widget
    And I input the 'phone' '09190591010'
    And I click the 'loginButton' button
    Then I see in the flushbar 'No user'

Scenario: User enters right number
    Given I test the initial state of the app
    Then I see 'phone' widget
    And I input the 'phone' '09190591094'
    And I click the 'loginButton' button
    Then I see 'Enter code from SMS' text

Scenario: Recieve SMS in less than 10 seconds
    Given I test the initial state of the app
    Then I see 'Code automatically entered' text
    Then I see 'mainAppBar' widget


Feature: ExitFeature
    Test User Exit

Scenario: open drawer and exit
    Given I test the initial state of the app
    And I see 'mainAppBar' widget
    And I wait for '2000' mili seconds
    When I Open 'drawerButton' drawer
    And I wait for '2000' mili seconds
    Then I see 'drawer' widget
    When I click the 'Exit' text
    And I wait for '2000' mili seconds
    And I see 'cancel' text
    When I click the 'exitBtn' button
    And I wait for '2000' mili seconds
    Then I see 'login' widget


1.如何按以下顺序运行这些场景:login-> logoutlogin(没有将场景复制到logout功能)


2. 如何按以下顺序运行标签:@correctLogin-> logout(请注意第一个login功能场景没有@correctLogin标签。我也想将此correctLogin标签与许多其他测试一起使用,因此添加标签logout不是一个好主意)


标签: flutterautomated-testsintegration-testinggherkinflutterdriver

