首页 > 解决方案 > 保持全局 hashmap 值与 struct hashmap 值同步


我正在使用全局可访问的 HashMap 来存储同构实体Roster、 和Person.

现在我的Roster结构也有一个实体的 HashMap Roster.names,它是全局 HashMap 中实体的子集MY_ITEMS,所以Roster.names⊂MY_ITEMS


但在match MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().get_pair_mut("roster 1", "roster 2"){...}我们不能再从MY_ITEMS. 我们只能对我们通过请求的两个实体进行可变访问get_pair_mut()。因此,任何在此范围内更新第三个值的尝试MY_ITEMS都将导致WouldBlock.


SET has A,B, and C
B.C = SET.C.clone()
get &mut A and &mut B from SET{


multi_mut = "0.1.3"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use multi_mut::{HashMapMultiMut};

//globally accessible Hashmap
lazy_static! {
    static ref MY_ITEMS: Mutex<HashMap<String, Entity>> = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Person{
    pub roster_id: Option<String>,
    name: String,
    id: String,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Roster{
  pub id: String,
  pub names: HashMap<String, Entity>
//wrapper enum
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Entity{

impl Roster{
    pub fn new(id: String, start_names: Vec<(String, Person)>)->Self{
        let mut map = HashMap::new();
            let mut altered = n.1.clone();
            altered.roster_id = Some(id.clone());
            //on adding a Person to a Roster, we also add them to the global map
            MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().insert(n.0.clone(), Entity::Person(altered.clone()));
            return (n.0, Entity::Person(altered))
            id: id, 
            names: map
    pub fn take_person(&mut self, from_roster: &mut Roster, to_take_id: String){
        //take a person from the other roster
        let person_entry = from_roster.names.remove_entry(&to_take_id).unwrap();
        //alter their information to reflect a change in which roster the person belongs too
        if let Entity::Person(mut p) = person_entry.1.clone(){
            p.roster_id = Some(self.id.clone());
            //update the roster with the changed persons value
            self.names.insert(person_entry.0.clone(), Entity::Person(p.clone()));
            //trying to insert the updated value into the global hashmap will cause a lock to fail
            //so value of person inside of this roster and inside of the global map becomes out of sync
            // MY_ITEMS.try_lock().unwrap().insert(person_entry.0.clone(), Entity::Person(p.clone()));

fn main(){
    //starting people for roster 1
    let group_1 = vec![
    (String::from("Person 1"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Josie"), id: String::from("Person 1")}),
    (String::from("Person 2"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Joon"), id: String::from("Person 2")}),
    (String::from("Person 3"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Glooby"), id: String::from("Person 3")})];
    let roster_1 = Roster::new(String::from("roster 1"), group_1);

    //starting people for roster 2
    let group_2 = vec![
        (String::from("Person 4"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Borg"), id: String::from("Person 4")}),
        (String::from("Person 5"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Snog"), id: String::from("Person 5")}),
        (String::from("Person 6"), Person{roster_id: None, name: String::from("Cloob"), id: String::from("Person 6")})];
    let roster_2 = Roster::new(String::from("roster 2"), group_2);

    //add rosters to the global map
    MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().insert(roster_1.id.clone(), Entity::Roster(roster_1.clone()));
    MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().insert(roster_2.id.clone(), Entity::Roster(roster_2.clone()));
    //remove Person 4, Borg, from roster 2 and insert them into roster 1
    match MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().get_pair_mut("roster 1", "roster 2"){
        //becuase of get_pair_mut, we can no longer lock MY_ITEMS in this block scope
        Some((r1_wrapper, r2_wrapper))=>{
            match (r1_wrapper, r2_wrapper){
                (Entity::Roster(r1), Entity::Roster(r2))=>{
                    r1.take_person(r2, String::from("Person 4"));

    if let Entity::Roster(r1) = MY_ITEMS.lock().unwrap().get("roster 1").unwrap(){
        //the roster_id field for Person 4 is updated in our roster_2 local variable
        dbg!(r1.names.get("Person 4"));//->Some(Person)
        //but it is not updated in our global map
        dbg!(roster_1.clone().names.get("Person 4"));//->None
        assert_eq!(r1.names.get("Person 4"), roster_1.names.get("Person 4"), "Roster value in local does not equal roster value in global");



作为旁注,我认为将所有People结构和我们所有的Roster结构保存在同一个全局可访问变量中很重要。但也许除了 a 之外还有其他一些容器结构HashMap可以更好地适应项目之间的依赖关系。

另一个旁注,因为 rust 的 HashMap 没有方便的方法来改变 HashMap 中的多个值,所以我使用multi_mut crate 的get_pair_mut()方法来获取对MY_ITEMS.


我也知道这个问题是一个很常见的生锈问题。也许这篇这篇关于 Rust 中共享可变性的文章可以指向更好的设计。

标签: rust

