首页 > 解决方案 > 如何设置 pandas 的 read_xml 的 `xpath`?


我想从其部分的xml 文件Component中解析数据:


我已经安装了最新版本的 lxml 和 pandas,尝试了以下代码但没有运气。

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In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: pd.__version__
Out[2]: '1.3.0'

In [3]: xml = pd.read_xml('https://www.huaan.com.cn/etf/159949/etffiledownload.jsp?etffilename=pcf_159949_20210707.xml', xpath='//component')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-67d228028cc9> in <module>
----> 1 xml = pd.read_xml('https://www.huaan.com.cn/etf/159949/etffiledownload.jsp?etffilename=pcf_159949_20210707.xml', xpath='//component')

    501         if elems == []:
--> 502             raise ValueError(msg)
    504         if elems != [] and attrs == [] and children == []:

ValueError: xpath does not return any nodes. Be sure row level nodes are in xpath. If document uses namespaces denoted with xmlns, be sure to define namespaces and use them in xpath.

In [4]: xml = pd.read_xml('https://www.huaan.com.cn/etf/159949/etffiledownload.jsp?etffilename=pcf_159949_20210707.xml', xpath='//component', namespaces={'com': 'http://ts.szse.cn/Fund'})
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-52fbe542dadb> in <module>
----> 1 xml = pd.read_xml('https://www.huaan.com.cn/etf/159949/etffiledownload.jsp?etffilename=pcf_159949_20210707.xml', xpath='//component', namespaces={'com': 'http://ts.szse.cn/Fund'})

    501         if elems == []:
--> 502             raise ValueError(msg)
    504         if elems != [] and attrs == [] and children == []:

ValueError: xpath does not return any nodes. Be sure row level nodes are in xpath. If document uses namespaces denoted with xmlns, be sure to define namespaces and use them in xpath.


In [5]: from lxml import etree
In [6]: import requests
In [7]: content = requests.get('https://www.huaan.com.cn/etf/159949/etffiledownload.jsp?etffilename=pcf_159949_20210707.xml').content

In [8]: html = etree.HTML(content)
In [9]: html.xpath('//component')
[<Element component at 0x1d493cb23c0>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2340>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2240>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb22c0>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2140>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2040>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2c40>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb61c0>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb63c0>,
 <Element component at 0x1d493cb2200>,


标签: pythonpandasxml

