首页 > 解决方案 > 从不同的工作表中读取列标题,略有差异







我想到解决这个问题的方法是根据以前的变体编译一个潜在的标题名称列表,并尝试从供应商那里扫描新的价格表,并以此列表作为参考,以便正确识别列. 这将允许我在我的新主表中正确编译信息,然后能够执行价格检查等并在供应商中找到最优惠的价格。

自从我在 Excel 中做任何事情以来已经有一段时间了(最近主要是使用 Google Sheets)。据我所知,这将在 VBA 中。

我想我的问题是“这种方法看起来是正确的方法吗?VBA 是正确的编码方法吗?”


标签: excelvba



  • 我想这是几天前写的,我想是为了一个已经结束的问题。
' Purpose:      Loops through a list of strings ('Headers') and attempts to find
'               a match in a cell of a row ('RowNumber') of a worksheet ('ws').
'               Returns the column number of the cell of the first found string.
'               Returns 0 if there is no match.
Function GetFirstHeaderColumn( _
    ByVal ws As Worksheet, _
    ByVal RowNumber As Long, _
    ParamArray Headers() As Variant) _
As Long
    If ws Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If RowNumber < 1 Or RowNumber > ws.Rows.Count Then Exit Function
    Dim rrg As Range: Set rrg = ws.Rows(RowNumber)
    Dim cIndex As Variant
    Dim n As Long
    For n = LBound(Headers) To UBound(Headers)
        cIndex = Application.Match(CStr(Headers(n)), rrg, 0)
        If IsNumeric(cIndex) Then
            GetFirstHeaderColumn = cIndex
            Exit For
        End If
    Next n
End Function
  • 您可以通过以下方式使用它。
Sub GetFirstHeaderColumnTEST()
    Const FirstRow As Long = 1
    Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Sheet1

    Dim Col1 As Long
    Col1 = GetFirstHeaderColumn(ws, FirstRow, "Price", "Price1")
    If Col1 > 0 Then
        Debug.Print Col1
    Else ' non of the headers were found
        Debug.Print "Nope"
    End If

    Dim Col2 As Long
    Col2 = GetFirstHeaderColumn(ws, FirstRow, "Sales", "Amount", "Sold")
    If Col1 > 0 Then
        Debug.Print Col2
    Else ' non of the headers were found
        Debug.Print "Nope"
    End If
End Sub
