首页 > 解决方案 > Why does CMake export() command defer the output file creation? Can it be avoided?


We are including separate repositories into a common CMake superproject (which simply add_subdirectory() each repository folder, in the correct dependency order).

The different repositories all rely on export() to ouptut a XxxTargets.cmake file, such as:

# Assumes this repository provide the 'Alpha' target
install(TARGETS Alpha EXPORT AlphaTargets)

export(EXPORT $AlphaTargets
       FILE $AlphaTargets.cmake
       NAMESPACE myrepo::)

Yet, this superproject approach allowed us to observe that the export does not create the file directly. We could draw this conclusion because when the generated file is include() from another repository (added later, with a subsequent add_subdirectory()), the file does not exist yet.

标签: cmake


  • 为什么会export()延迟文件创建?


  • 更重要的是,有没有办法强制它在下一个之前实际创建文件add_subdirectory()

export(TARGETS)我所知,签名会立即运行。但我也想不出在使用add_subdirectory. 目标已经存在,因此无需导入它们!如果名称不同,请根据需要创建 ALIAS 目标。
